Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

603<br />

leisure the ladies of King Janakaís gynaeceum called on them. Queen Kausalyå (›r∂<br />

Råmaís mother) received them with due honour and courtesy and offered them such<br />

seats as circumstances would permit. The amiability and affection of all on both sides<br />

were such as would have made even the hardest thunderbolt melt if it could be see<br />

or hear of them. With their body thrilling all over and overpowered by emotion and eyes<br />

full of tears all began to sorrow and scratch the ground with the nails of their toes. They<br />

were all incarnations as it were of love for S∂tå and ›r∂ Råma; it seemed as if Pathos<br />

herself mourned in so many forms. Said S∂tåís mother, ìThe intellect of Providence is<br />

so marvellous that He has thought fit to break up the foam of milk with a chisel of<br />

adamant! (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sunia sudhå dekhiahiÚ garala saba karatµuti karåla,<br />

jaha° taha° kåka ulµuka baka månasa sakæta maråla.281.<br />

ìWe hear of nectar but see only venom: all His doings are hard. Crows, owls and<br />

herons are seen everywhere; but swans can be found in the Månasa lake alone.î (281)<br />

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Cau.: suni sasoca kaha debi sumitrå, bidhi gati baRi bipar∂ta bicitrå.<br />

jo sæji pålai harai bahor∂, båla keli sama bidhi mati bhor∂.1.<br />

kausalyå kaha dosu na kåhµu, karama bibasa dukha sukha chati låhµu.<br />

ka¢hina karama gati jåna bidhåtå, jo subha asubha sakala phala dåtå.2.<br />

∂sa rajåi s∂sa sabah∂ ke°, utapati thiti laya biahu am∂ ke°.<br />

debi moha basa socia båd∂, bidhi prapa≈cu asa acala anåd∂.3.<br />

bhµupati jiaba maraba ura ån∂, socia sakhi lakhi nija hita hån∂.<br />

s∂ya måtu kaha satya subån∂, sukæt∂ avadhi avadhapati rån∂.4.<br />

Hearing this Queen Sumitrå (Lakmaƒaís mother) sorrowfully observed, ìThe<br />

ways of Providence are most perverse and strange: He creates, maintains and then<br />

destroys. Godís designs are as silly as childís play.î Said Kausalyå, ìIt is nobodyís fault;<br />

sorrow and joy, loss and gain are determined by our past actions. The enexorable ways<br />

of Providence are known to God alone, who dispenses all kinds of fruits, both good and<br />

evil. Godís commands prevail over all, including the processes of creation, maintenance<br />

and dissolution and even over poison and nectar (which destroy and restore life<br />

respectively). It is no use lamenting, O good lady, out of infatuation. The doings of<br />

Providence are, as I have said, immutable and eternal. If we mourn over the contrast

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