Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

589<br />

suni suragura sura sa≈mata socµu, a≈tarajåm∂ prabhuhi sakocµu.<br />

nija sira bhåru bharata jiya° jånå, karata ko¢i bidhi ura anumånå.3.<br />

kari bicåru mana d∂nh∂ ¢h∂kå, råma rajåyasa åpana n∂kå.<br />

nija pana taji råkheu panu morå, chohu sanehu k∂nha nahiÚ thorå.4.<br />

ìThe service of a devotee of S∂tåís lord is as good as a hundred cows of plenty<br />

(i.e., it fulfils all oneís desires). Now that devotion to Bharata has appealed to your mind<br />

worry no more; for God has accomplished your object. See Bharataís greatness O king<br />

of gods; the Lord of Raghus is completely under his sway as a matter of course.<br />

Knowing Bharata to be ›r∂ Råmaís shadow, make your mind easy. O gods; there is no<br />

cause for fear.î The Lord, who has access to all hearts, felt uncomfortable when He<br />

came to know of the conference between the gods and their preceptor (the sage<br />

Bæhaspati) and of the anxiety of the former. Bharata now felt in his heart that the whole<br />

responsibility rested on his shoulders; he, therefore, entertained in his mind propositions<br />

of innumerable kinds. After much deliberation he came to the conclusion that his welfare<br />

consisted in obeying ›r∂ Råma. ìHe has kept my vow, relinquishing his own, and has<br />

thereby shown not a little kindness and love.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: k∂nha anugraha amita ati saba bidhi s∂tånåtha,<br />

kari pranåmu bole bharatu jori jalaja juga håtha.266.<br />

ìS∂tåís lord has done me a great and unbounded favour in everyway.î Then,<br />

bowing his head and joining his lotus hands, Bharata said:ó (266)<br />

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Cau.: kahau° kahåvau° kå aba svåm∂, kæpå a≈bunidhi a≈tarajåm∂.<br />

gura prasanna såhiba anukµulå, mi¢∂ malina mana kalapita sµulå.1.<br />

apaŒara Œareu° na soca samµule°, rabihi na dosu deva disi bhµule°.<br />

mora abhågu måtu ku¢ilå∂, bidhi gati biama kåla ka¢hinå∂.2.<br />

påu ropi saba mili mohi ghålå, pranatapåla pana åpana pålå.<br />

yaha nai r∂ti na råuri ho∂, lokahu° beda bidita nahiÚ go∂.3.<br />

jagu anabhala bhala eku goså∂°, kahia hoi bhala kåsu bhalå∂°.<br />

deu devataru sarisa subhåµu, sanamukha bimukha na kåhuhu kåµu.4.<br />

ìWhat shall I say or put into otherís mouth, my lord, an ocean of compassion<br />

and the knower of all hearts that you are? Now that my Guru is pleased and my master

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