Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

587<br />

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Cau.: kahau° subhåu satya siva såkh∂, bharata bhµumi raha råuri råkh∂.<br />

tåta kutaraka karahu jani jåe°, baira pema nahiÚ durai duråe°.1.<br />

muni gana nika¢a bihaga mæga jåh∂°, bådhaka badhika biloki paråh∂°.<br />

hita anahita pasu pacchiu jånå, månua tanu guna gyåna nidhånå.2.<br />

tåta tumhahi maiÚ jånau° n∂ke°, karau° kåha asama≈jasa j∂ke°.<br />

råkheu råya° satya mohi tyåg∂, tanu parihareu pema pana låg∂.3.<br />

tåsu bacana me¢ata mana socµu, tehi te° adhika tumhåra sa°kocµu.<br />

tå para gura mohi åyasu d∂nhå, avasi jo kahahu cahau° soi k∂nhå.4.<br />

ìWith Lord ›iva as my witness I speak the truth in good faith, Bharata: the<br />

earth is being sustained by you. Pray do not indulge in wrong hypotheses about<br />

yourself for nothing, my darling; hatred and love cannot be disguised even if one<br />

tries to conceal them. Birds and beasts draw close to hermits, while they run away<br />

at the very sight of a hunter who torments them. Even beasts and birds can<br />

distinguish between a friend and a foe, to say nothing of the human body, which<br />

is a storehouse of virtue and knowledge. I know you full well, dear brother; but<br />

what am I to do ? There is great perplexity in my mind. The king (our father),<br />

you know, kept his word and abandoned me; nay, he gave up his life in order<br />

to keep his vow of love. I feel perturbed in my mind if I proceed to violate his<br />

word; and my scruple on your account is even greater. On top of it my preceptor<br />

has given his command to me. In any case I am prepared to do precisely what<br />

you suggest.î (1ó4)<br />

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‚àÿ‚¢œ ⁄UÉÊÈ’⁄U ’øŸ ‚ÈÁŸ ÷Ê ‚ÈπË ‚◊Ê¡ÈH 264H<br />

Do.: manu prasanna kari sakuca taji kahahu karau° soi åju,<br />

satyasa≈dha raghubara bacana suni bhå sukh∂ samåju.264.<br />

ìWith a cheerful heart and shaking off all scruple tell me what to do; and I will<br />

accomplish it this very day.î The assembly rejoiced to hear these words of ›r∂ Råma (the<br />

Chief of Raghuís line), who was ever true to his word. (264)<br />

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•ÊŸ ©U¬Ê©U Ÿ ŒappleÁπ• ŒappleflÊ – ◊ÊŸÃ ⁄UÊ◊È ‚È‚applefl∑§ ‚appleflÊH<br />

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