Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

585<br />

ìIn this concourse of holy men, in the presence of my preceptor and master and<br />

in this holy place I speak in good faith. Whether there is any love in my heart or it is all<br />

simulation and whether what I say is true or false is known to the sage as well as to the<br />

Lord of Raghus.î (261)<br />

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Cau.: bhµupati marana pema panu råkh∂, janan∂ kumati jagatu sabu såkh∂.<br />

dekhi na jåhiÚ bikala mahatår∂°, jarahiÚ dusaha jara pura nara når∂°.1.<br />

mah∂° sakala anaratha kara mµulå, so suni samujhi sahiu° saba sµulå.<br />

suni bana gavanu k∂nha raghunåthå, kari muni bea lakhana siya såthå.2.<br />

binu pånahinha payådehi påe°, sa≈karu såkhi raheu° ehi ghåe°.<br />

bahuri nihåri niåda sanehµu, kulisa ka¢hina ura bhayau na behµu.3.<br />

aba sabu å° khinha dekheu° å∂, jiata j∂va jaRa sabai sahå∂.<br />

jinhahi nirakhi maga så° pini b∂ch∂, tajahiÚ biama biu tåmasa t∂ch∂.4.<br />

ìThe whole world will bear witness, on the one hand, to the king having died as<br />

a result of his uncompromising love, and to my motherís evil intent, on the other. The<br />

queen-mothers are in such distress that one cannot bear to look at them; while the men<br />

and women of the city are burning with deep agony. I have heard and realized that I am<br />

the root of all trouble and have accordingly endured all suffering. To crown all when I<br />

heard that clad in hermitís robes and accompanied by Lakmaƒa and S∂tå, the Lord of<br />

Raghus proceeded to the woods on foot and without shoes, God ›a∆kara be my<br />

witness, I survived even that blow. On top of it, when I witnessed the Niådaís love, my<br />

heart, which is harder than adamant, refused to break. And now I have seen all with my<br />

own eyes and so long as I live my stupid soul will subject me to all kinds of suffering.<br />

What shall I say of Råma, Lakmaƒa and S∂tå, at whose sight even snakes and<br />

scorpions on the road forget their virulent poison and irrepressible anger !î (1ó4)<br />

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ÃÊ‚È ÃŸÿ ÃÁ¡ ŒÈ‚„U ŒÈπ ŒÒ©U ‚„UÊflß ∑§ÊÁ„UH 262H<br />

Do.: tei raghuna≈danu lakhanu siya anahita låge jåhi,<br />

tåsu tanaya taji dusaha dukha daiu sahåvai kåhi.262.<br />

ìOn whom else, then, should Providence inflict severe pain if not on the son of<br />

Kaikey∂, who looked upon these very Råma, Lakmaƒa and S∂tå as her enemies !î (262)

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