Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

573<br />

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Cau.: råma bacana suni sabhaya samåjµu, janu jalanidhi mahu° bikala jahåjµu.<br />

suni gura girå suma≈gala mµulå, bhayau manahu° måruta anukµulå.1.<br />

påvana paya° tihu° kåla nahåh∂°, jo biloki agha ogha nasåh∂°.<br />

ma≈galamµurati locana bhari bhari, nirakhahiÚ harai da≈Œavata kari kari.2.<br />

råma saila bana dekhana jåh∂°, jaha° sukha sakala sakala dukha nåh∂°.<br />

jharanå jharahiÚ sudhåsama bår∂, tribidha tåpahara tribidha bayår∂.3.<br />

bi¢apa beli tæna aganita jåt∂, phala prasµuna pallava bahu bhå° t∂.<br />

su≈dara silå sukhada taru chåh∂°, jåi barani bana chabi kehi påh∂°.4.<br />

At the words of ›r∂ Råma the assembly trembled with fear like a ship tossed on<br />

the ocean. When, however, they heard the auspicious words of the Guru, it seemed as<br />

though the wind had turned in their favour. Thrice in the day (in the morning, at noon and<br />

in the evening) they bathed in the holy Payasvin∂ river, the very sight of which wipes out<br />

hosts of sins, ever feasting their eyes on ›r∂ Råma,the incarnation of blessedness, and<br />

gladly prostrating themselves before Him again and again. They went out to see the hill and<br />

woods hallowed by the presence of ›r∂ Råma, where reigned joy of every kind and which<br />

was free from all sorrows. Water sweet as nectar flowed from springs; while soft, cool<br />

and fragrant breezes soothed every pain of mind and body. Trees, creepers and grasses<br />

of infinite variety; fruits, flowers and leaves of many kinds; beautiful slabs of stone and<br />

the delightful shade of trees: the splendour of the forest was beyond description. (1ó4)<br />

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’Ò⁄U Á’ªÃ Á’„U⁄Uà Á’Á¬Ÿ ◊Ϊ Á’„¢Uª ’„ÈU⁄¢UªH 249H<br />

Do.: sarani saroruha jala bihaga kµujata gu≈jata bhæ≈ga,<br />

baira bigata biharata bipina mæga biha≈ga bahura≈ga.249.<br />

Lotuses adorned the lakes, waterfowls cooed and bees hummed; while birds and<br />

beasts of various colours roamed about in the forest free from animosities. (249)<br />

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Cau.: kola kiråta bhilla banabås∂, madhu suci su≈dara svådu sudhå s∂.<br />

bhari bhari parana pu¢∂° raci rµur∂, ka≈da mµula phala a≈kura jµur∂.1.

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