Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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568 *<br />

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gurahi dekhi sånuja anuråge, da≈Œa pranåma karana prabhu låge.<br />

munibara dhåi lie ura lå∂, prema umagi bhe°¢e dou bhå∂.2.<br />

prema pulaki keva¢a kahi nåmµu, k∂nha dµuri te° da≈Œa pranåmµu.<br />

råmasakhå rii barabasa bhe°¢å, janu mahi lu¢hata saneha same¢å.3.<br />

raghupati bhagati suma≈gala mµulå, nabha saråhi sura barisahiÚ phµulå.<br />

ehi sama nipa¢a n∂ca kou nåh∂°, baRa basi¢ha sama ko jaga måh∂°.4.<br />

When the Ocean of amiability, ›r∂ Råma, learnt that His preceptor had come,<br />

He left Ripudamana (›atrughna) by S∂tåís side and the All-merciful proceeded at once<br />

with quick steps, a champion of virtue and self-possessed that He was. On seeing<br />

the Guru both the Lord and His younger brother (Lakmaƒa) were overwhelmed with<br />

affection and prostrated themselves on the ground. The chief of sages, however,<br />

ran and clasped them to his bosom; he received them with a heart overflowing with<br />

love. Thrilling all over with emotion and mentioning his name the Niåda chief too<br />

fell prostrate on the ground at a respectable distance. The sage, however, forcibly<br />

embraced him as a friend of ›r∂ Råma; it seemed as though he had gathered up<br />

love lying scattered on the ground. ìDevotion to the Lord of Raghus is the root of<br />

all choice blessings!î With these words of praise the gods in heaven rained flowers.<br />

ìThere is no one so utterly vile as this man; and who is so great as Vasi¢ha in<br />

this world?î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: jehi lakhi lakhanahu te° adhika mile mudita muniråu,<br />

so s∂tåpati bhajana ko praga¢a pratåpa prabhåu.243.<br />

ìYet on seeing him the king of sages embraced him with greater joy than he did<br />

Lakmaƒa. Such is the palpable glory and effect of adoring S∂tåís lord!î (243)<br />

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Cau.: årata loga råma sabu jånå, karunåkara sujåna bhagavånå.<br />

jo jehi bhåya° rahå abhilå∂, tehi tehi kai tasi tasi rukha råkh∂.1.<br />

sånuja mili pala mahu° saba kåhµu, k∂nha dµuri dukhu dåruna dåhµu.<br />

yaha baRi båta råma kai nåh∂°, jimi gha¢a ko¢i eka rabi chåh∂°.2.<br />

mili keva¢ahi umagi anurågå, purajana sakala saråhahiÚ bhågå.<br />

dekh∂° råma dukhita mahatår∂°, janu subeli aval∂° hima mår∂°.3.<br />

prathama råma bhe° ¢∂ kaike∂, sarala subhåya° bhagati mati bhe∂.<br />

paga pari k∂nha prabodhu bahor∂, kåla karama bidhi sira dhari khor∂.4.

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