Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

567<br />

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Cau.: bhe° ¢eu lakhana lalaki laghu bhå∂, bahuri niådu l∂nha ura lå∂.<br />

puni munigana duhu° bhåinha ba≈de, abhimata åsia påi ana≈de.1.<br />

sånuja bharata umagi anurågå, dhari sira siya pada paduma parågå.<br />

puni puni karata pranåma u¢håe, sira kara kamala parasi bai¢håe.2.<br />

s∂ya° as∂sa d∂nhi mana måh∂°, magana saneha° deha sudhi nåh∂°.<br />

saba bidhi sånukµula lakhi s∂tå, bhe nisoca ura apaŒara b∂tå.3.<br />

kou kichu kahai na kou kichu pµu°chå, prema bharå mana nija gati chµu° chå.<br />

tehi avasara keva¢u dh∂raju dhari, jori påni binavata pranåmu kari.4.<br />

Likewise Lakmaƒa eagerly met his younger brother (›atrughna) and next clasped<br />

the Niåda chief to his bosom. Then the two brothers (Bharata and ›atrughna) greeted<br />

the host of hermits and were delighted to receive blessings to their liking. In a rapture<br />

of love Bharata and his younger brother (›atrughna) placed on their head the dust of S∂tåís<br />

lotus-feet and made obeisance to Her again and again; while She lifted them each time<br />

and stroking their head with Her lotus hand made them sit down. S∂tå blessed them in<br />

Her heart; She was so overwhelmed with love that She lost all consciousness of Her body.<br />

When they found S∂tå propitious in everyway, they became free from anxiety and the<br />

imaginary fears of their heart were gone. No one uttered a word nor asked any question;<br />

the mind was so full of love that it had stopped its activity. Presently the Niåda chief<br />

collected himself and bowing his head submitted with joined palms: (1ó4)<br />

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‚applefl∑§ ‚appleŸ¬ ‚Áøfl ‚’ •Ê∞ Á’∑§‹ Á’ÿÙªH 242H<br />

Do.: nåtha såtha muninåtha ke måtu sakala pura loga,<br />

sevaka senapa saciva saba åe bikala biyoga.242.<br />

ìStricken with grief due to separation from you, my lord, all your mothers, the<br />

people of the city, servants, generals and ministers, all have come alongwith the lord of<br />

sages, Vasi¢ha.î (242)<br />

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Cau.: s∂lasi≈dhu suni gura ågavanµu, siya sam∂pa råkhe ripudavanµu.<br />

cale sabega råmu tehi kålå, dh∂ra dharama dhura d∂nadayålå.1.

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