Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

555<br />

eka k∂nhi nahiÚ bharata bhalå∂, nidare råmu jåni asahå∂.<br />

samujhi parihi sou åju bise∂, samara saroa råma mukhu pekh∂.2.<br />

etanå kahata n∂ti rasa bhµulå, rana rasa bi¢apu pulaka misa phµulå.<br />

prabhu pada ba≈di s∂sa raja råkh∂, bole satya sahaja balu bhå∂.3.<br />

anucita nåtha na månaba morå, bharata hamahi upacåra na thorå.<br />

kaha° lagi sahia rahia manu måre°, nåtha såtha dhanu håtha hamåre°.4.<br />

"King Sahasrabåhu, Indra (the lord of celestials) and King Tri‹a∆ku* (father of<br />

Hari‹candra)ówhich of these was not brought into disrepute by the intoxication of<br />

kingly power? Bharata has resorted to a right expedient; for one should leave no trace<br />

of one's enemy or debt in any case. But he has made one mistake in that he has<br />

despised ›r∂ Råma (yourself) as forlorn. And he will realize his mistake with vengeance<br />

today when he beholds ›r∂ Råma's (your) indignant face on the battlefield." Even as<br />

he said so he forgot his love of propriety and the tree of his bellicose spirit burst into<br />

flowers in the shape of horripilation. Adoring the Lordís feet and placing their dust on<br />

his head he spoke, revealing his own real and natural might: ìPray do not take offence,<br />

my lord, if I tell you that Bharata has provoked me not a little. After all how long shall<br />

I endure this and restrain my passion when my lord (yourself) is with me and the bow<br />

in my hand?î (1ó4)<br />

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‹ÊÄȰU ◊Ê⁄apple¥ ø…∏UÁà Á‚⁄U ŸËø ∑§Ù œÍÁ⁄U ‚◊ÊŸH 229H<br />

Do.: chatri jåti raghukula janamu råma anuga jagu jåna,<br />

låtahu° måre° caRhati sira n∂ca ko dhµuri samåna.229.<br />

ìA Katriya (warrior) by caste and born in the race of Raghu I am known<br />

throughout the world as a servant of ›r∂ Råma (yourself). (How, then, can I put up with<br />

such insult?) What is so low as the dust (on a road)? But if you were to kick it up it would<br />

rise to your head.î (229)<br />

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* Tri‹a∆ku, son of Trayyåruƒi, was a king of Ayodhyå. He wanted to perform a sacrifice whereby he<br />

could bodily ascend to heaven. His priest Vasi¢ha, however, refused to conduct such a sacrifice, which he<br />

said was unauthorized and futile. Vasi¢ha's sons too declined on the same grounds. But Tri‹a∆ku turned a<br />

deaf ear to their remonstrances. This enraged Vasi¢ha's sons, who cursed him that he should fall in the social<br />

scale and be accounted a pariah. The king was thus converted into a C僌åla and was accordingly forsaken<br />

by his kinsmen, ministers and subjects too. Much agitated at heart over this, the ex-king now approached the<br />

sage Vi‹våmitra, who comforted him; and asking his sons to invite other sages he conducted the sacrifice.<br />

Vasi¢ha's sons, however, ruled that at a sacrifice commenced by a pariah and conducted by a non-<br />

Bråhmaƒa priest (for such was Vi‹våmitra till then) no gods would appear. The gods respected this ruling and<br />

accordingly no god appeared to accept the offerings. By dint of his own penance Vi‹våmitra sent Tri‹a∆ku to<br />

heaven; but the gods hurled him down. Exasperated at this Vi‹våmitra proceeded to create another heaven<br />

and began to shape new heavenly bodies. The gods were dismayed at this and sought a conference with<br />

Vi‹våmitra. It was ultimately decided by mutual agreement that Vi‹våmitra should abandon his plan to create<br />

a new heaven and Tri‹a∆ku should remain hanging in the air. He is still seen in the form of a triple luminary<br />

in the heavens. The saliva that dropped from his mouth forms the river Karmanå‹å, which flows between<br />

Våråƒas∂ and Bihar and the water of which is considered as ever polluted.

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