Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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close by they halted and at the close of night the beloved of ›r∂ Råma resumed his<br />

journey. There ›r∂ Råma awoke while it was yet dark. S∂tå saw in a dream that very night<br />

as if Bharata had come with his retinue and that his body was tormented by the agony<br />

of separation from his lord. All who had accompanied him were sad at heart, miserable<br />

and afflicted; while Her mothers-in-law She found changed in appearance. On hearing of<br />

S∂tå's dream ›r∂ Råma's eyes filled with tears and He who rids others of their sorrow<br />

became sorrowful. "This dream, Lakmaƒa, bodes no good; somebody will break terribly<br />

bad news." Saying so He took His bath with His brother and worshipping the Enemy of<br />

Tripura, Lord ›iva, paid His respects to holy men. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.:sanamåni sura muni ba≈di bai¢he utara disi dekhata bhae,<br />

nabha dhµuri khaga mæga bhµuri bhåge bikala prabhu å‹rama gae.<br />

tulas∂ u¢he avaloki kåranu kåha cita sacakita rahe,<br />

saba samåcåra kiråta kolanhi åi tehi avasara kahe.<br />

After adoring the gods and reverencing the hermits He sat down gazing to the<br />

north. There was dust in the air and a host of birds and beasts had taken to flight in panic<br />

and were making their way to the Lord's hermitage. Says Tulas∂dåsa: He stood up when<br />

He saw this and wondered in his heart what could be the reason. Presently the Kolas<br />

and Kiråtas came and told Him all the news.<br />

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So.: sunata suma≈gala baina mana pramoda tana pulaka bhara,<br />

sarada saroruha naina tulas∂ bhare saneha jala.226.<br />

When He heard the delightful words He felt overjoyed at heart. A thrill ran through<br />

His body and His eyes, that resembled the autumnal lotus, says Tulas∂dåsa, filled with<br />

the tears of affection. (226)<br />

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