Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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542 *<br />

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unique hospitality shown by the sage by dint of his Yogic powers and sorrow because<br />

at a time when they should abstain from luxuries of every kind they were being offered<br />

the same). (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sa≈pati caka∂ bharatu caka muni åyasa khelavåra,<br />

tehi nisi å‹rama pi≈jarå° råkhe bhå bhinusåra.215.<br />

Affluence, like a female Cakravåka bird, and Bharata, as her mate, were imprisoned<br />

together that night in the cage of the hermitage by the sageís order, which may be<br />

compared here with a playful child. And they remained there till it was dawn.* (215)<br />


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Cau.: k∂nha nimajjanu t∂ratharåjå, nåi munihi siru sahita samåjå.<br />

rii åyasu as∂sa sira råkh∂, kari da≈Œavata binaya bahu bhå∂.1.<br />

patha gati kusala såtha saba l∂nhe°, cale citrakµu¢ahiÚ citu d∂nhe°.<br />

råmasakhå kara d∂nhe° lågµu, calata deha dhari janu anurågµu.2.<br />

nahiÚ pada tråna s∂sa nahiÚ chåyå, pemu nemu bratu dharamu amåyå.<br />

lakhana råma siya pa≈tha kahån∂, pµu° chata sakhahi kahata mædu bån∂.3.<br />

råma båsa thala bi¢apa biloke°, ura anuråga rahata nahiÚ roke°.<br />

dekhi daså sura barisahiÚ phµulå, bhai mædu mahi magu ma≈gala mµulå.4.<br />

Bharata and his party took a dip into the Triveƒ∂ (the confluence of the Ga∆gå,<br />

Yamunå and Sarasvat∂), the chief of sacred places, and bowed their head to the sage<br />

(Bharadvåja). Bharata reverently received his orders and blessings and prostrating himself<br />

made much supplication. Accompanied by expert guides and taking the whole host alongwith<br />

him he proceeded on his journey with his thoughts directed towards Citrakµu¢a. Holding<br />

›r∂ Råmaís friend (Guha) by the hand he walked along like the very incarnation of love. He<br />

had no shoes and no umbrella over his head; and his love, self-discipline, austerity and<br />

piety were unfeigned. He asked his friend (Guha) to give an account of the wanderings of<br />

Lakmaƒa, ›r∂ Råma and S∂tå; while Guha narrated the same in soft accents. When he<br />

* The metaphor is intended to show that just as a Cakravåka pair would never unite even though<br />

caught in a cage and would spend the whole night turning their back upon each other, likewise Bharata did<br />

not even care to look at the luxuries in the midst of which he was forced to remain overnight. He kept<br />

scrupulously aloof from them.

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