Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

537<br />

ÃappleÁ„U »§‹ ∑§⁄U »§‹È Œ⁄U‚ ÃÈê„UÊ⁄UÊ – ‚Á„Uà ¬ÿʪ ‚È÷ʪ „U◊Ê⁄UÊH<br />

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œãÿ œãÿ œÈÁŸ ªªŸ ¬ÿÊªÊ – ‚ÈÁŸ ‚ÈÁŸ ÷⁄UÃÈ ◊ªŸ •ŸÈ⁄UʪÊH.4H<br />

Cau.: k∂rati bidhu tumha k∂nha anµupå, jaha° basa råma pema mægarµupå.<br />

tåta galåni karahu jiya° jåe°, Œarahu daridrahi pårasu påe°.1.<br />

sunahu bharata hama jhµu¢ha na kahah∂°, udås∂na tåpasa bana rahah∂°.<br />

saba sådhana kara suphala suhåvå, lakhana råma siya darasanu påvå.2.<br />

tehi phala kara phalu darasa tumhårå, sahita payåga subhåga hamårå.<br />

bharata dhanya tumha jasu jagu jayaµu, kahi asa pema magana muni bhayaµu.3.<br />

suni muni bacana sabhåsada harae, sådhu saråhi sumana sura barae.<br />

dhanya dhanya dhuni gagana payågå, suni suni bharatu magana anurågå.4.<br />

"You have created the peerless moon of your glory, which bears on it the figure<br />

of a deer* in the shape of love for Råma. You feel distressed at heart, dear son, for no<br />

purpose: you fear poverty even though you have found the philosopher's stone. Listen,<br />

BharataóI tell no falsehood, I am an ascetic dwelling in the forest and having no concern<br />

with the worldóI obtained the happy and excellent reward of all spiritual practices when<br />

I saw Lakmaƒa, Råma and S∂tå. The reward of that reward itself is your sight, on which<br />

not only I but the whole of Prayåga deserves to be congratulated. Bharata, you deserve<br />

all praise since by your glory you have conquered the whole world.î As he concluded his<br />

speech the sage was overwhelmed with love. Those who were assembled there rejoiced<br />

to hear the sageís words, while the gods acclaimed Bharata and rained flowers on him.<br />

Even as Bharata heard the shouts of applause in the heavens as well as in Prayåga he<br />

was overwhelmed with emotion. (1ó4)<br />

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∑§Á⁄U ¬˝ŸÊ◊È ◊ÈÁŸ ◊¢«UÁ‹Á„U ’Ù‹apple ªŒªŒ ’ÒŸH 210H<br />

Do.: pulaka gåta hiya° råmu siya sajala saroruha naina,<br />

kari pranåmu muni ma≈Œalihi bole gadagada baina.210.<br />

Experiencing a thrill of joy all over his body, with his heart full of S∂tå and Råma<br />

and his lotus eyes wet with tears he made obeisance to the conclave of sages and thus<br />

spoke in a voice choked with emotion: (210)<br />

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∞®„U Õ‹ ¡ı¥ Á∑§¿ÈU ∑§Á„U• ’ŸÊ߸ – ∞Á„U ‚◊ •Áœ∑§ Ÿ •ÉÊ •œ◊Ê߸H.1H<br />

ÃÈê„U ‚’¸Çÿ ∑§„U©°U ‚ÁÃ÷ʧ – ©U⁄U •¢Ã⁄U¡Ê◊Ë ⁄UÉÊÈ⁄UʧH<br />

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ŸÊÁ„UŸ «UL§ Á’ªÁ⁄UÁ„U ¬⁄U‹Ù∑ͧ – Á¬Ã„ÈU ◊⁄UŸ ∑§⁄U ◊ÙÁ„U Ÿ ‚Ù∑ͧH<br />

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* The spot in the moon is represented by the Hindus as a deer even as it is presented in European<br />

nurseries as the form of a man.

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