Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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532 *<br />

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Do.: aratha na dharama na kåma ruci gati na cahau° nirabåna,<br />

janama janama rati råma pada yaha baradånu na åna.204.<br />

"I have no liking for wealth nor for religious merit nor for sensuous enjoyment nor<br />

again do I seek the state of perfect and perpetual calm. Birth after birth let me have<br />

devotion to ›r∂ Råma's feet: this is the only boon I ask and nought else."<br />

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(204)<br />

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ÃÊà ÷⁄Uà ÃÈê„U ‚’ Á’Áœ ‚ÊœÍ – ⁄UÊ◊ ø⁄UŸ •ŸÈ⁄Uʪ •ªÊœÍH<br />

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Cau.: jånahu° råma ku¢ila kari moh∂, loga kahau gura såhiba droh∂.<br />

s∂tå råma carana rati more°, anudina baRhau anugraha tore°.1.<br />

jaladu janama bhari surati bisårau, jåcata jalu pabi påhana Œårau.<br />

cåtaku ra¢ani gha¢e° gha¢i jå∂, baRhe° premu saba bhå° ti bhalå∂.2.<br />

kanakahiÚ båna caRhai jimi dåhe°, timi priyatama pada nema nibåhe°.<br />

bharata bacana suni måjha triben∂, bhai mædu båni suma≈gala den∂.3.<br />

tåta bharata tumha saba bidhi sådhµu, råma carana anuråga agådhµu.<br />

bådi galåni karahu mana måh∂°, tumha sama råmahi kou priya nåh∂°.4.<br />

"Let ›r∂ Råma take me for a wicked fellow, and let the people call me an enemy<br />

of my preceptor and master. All the same by your grace may my devotion to the feet of<br />

S∂tå and ›r∂ Råma grow day by day. The cloud may neglect the Cåtaka bird all its life<br />

and on its asking water may discharge thunderbolt and hail. But the bird will fall in the<br />

estimation of others if it ceases to call out to the cloud. It will gain in everyway only by<br />

intensifying its love for the latter. Just as gold gets brighter by being put into the fire, even<br />

so the lover shines by sticking to his vow of devotion to the feet of his most beloved<br />

lord." In response to Bharata's prayer there came a sweet and benedictory utterance<br />

from the midst of the TriveĶ: "Dear Bharata, you are pious in everyway and your love<br />

for ›r∂ Råma's feet is unbounded. In vain do you harbour depressing thoughts in your<br />

mind; there is no one so dear to Råma as you are." (1ó4)<br />

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÷⁄Uà œãÿ ∑§Á„U œãÿ ‚È⁄U „U⁄UÁ·Ã ’⁄·®„U »Í§‹H 205H<br />

Do.: tanu pulakeu hiya° harau suni beni bacana anukµula,<br />

bharata dhanya kahi dhanya sura haraita baraahiÚ phµula.205.<br />

A thrill ran through Bharata's body and his soul rejoiced to hear the agreeable<br />

words of the (deity presiding over) TriveĶ. Exclaiming "Bharata is praiseworthy, all<br />

praise to him!" the gods joyfully rained flowers. (205)

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