Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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news the men and women of the city sallied forth to see the place (where ›r∂ Råma had<br />

slept one night) much distressed at heart. Pacing round the spot clockwise they made<br />

obeisance to it and blamed Kaikey∂ to their heart's content. Tears rushed to their eyes<br />

again and again and they reproached cruel Fate. Some would praise Bharata's love,<br />

while others said the king had vindicated his affection. They would reproach themselves<br />

and praise the Niåda chief; who can describe their confusion and woe? In this way they<br />

all kept vigil overnight and at daybreak the passage across the river began. The Guru<br />

was put on a good and handsome boat, and all the mothers on another newly-built one.<br />

In an hour and a half everyone was taken across. When Bharata had alighted, he made<br />

sure that all had come. (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: pråtakriyå kari måtu pada ba≈di gurahi siru nåi,<br />

åge° kie niåda gana d∂nheu ka¢aku calåi.202.<br />

Having finished the morning duties Bharata adored his mothers' feet and bowed<br />

his head to the preceptor, and sending a party of the Niådas ahead started the whole<br />

host. (202)<br />

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Cau.: kiyau niådanåthu aguå∂°, måtu pålak∂° sakala calå∂°.<br />

såtha bolåi bhåi laghu d∂nhå, bipranha sahita gavanu gura k∂nhå.1.<br />

åpu surasarihi k∂nha pranåmµu, sumire lakhana sahita siya råmµu.<br />

gavane bharata payådehiÚ påe, kotala sa≈ga jåhiÚ Œoriåe.2.<br />

kahahiÚ susevaka bårahiÚ bårå, hoia nåtha asva asavårå.<br />

råmu payådehi påya° sidhåe, hama kaha° ratha gaja båji banåe.3.<br />

sira bhara jåu° ucita asa morå, saba te° sevaka dharamu ka¢horå.<br />

dekhi bharata gati suni mædu bån∂, saba sevaka gana garahiÚ galån∂.4.<br />

He made the Niåda chief lead the van and then started the palanquins carrying<br />

the queen-mothers, and summoning his younger brother (›atrughna) told him off as their<br />

escort. The Guru proceeded next alongwith the other Bråhmaƒas. He himself then made<br />

obeisance to the celestial river, invoked S∂tå, Råma and Lakmaƒa and set forth on foot;<br />

while riding horses meant for the king were led by the bridle alongwith him. Again and<br />

again his faithful servants said, "Be pleased, sire,to mount your horse." "›r∂ Råma has<br />

gone on foot; while chariots, elephants and horses are intended for me! What behoves<br />

me is that I should walk on my head; for the duty of a servant is harder than any other

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