Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

521<br />

sayers said, ìThe sneeze has come from an auspicious quarter! (The issue will be a<br />

happy one.)î An old man thought over the meaning of the omen and exclaimed, ìLet us<br />

go and meet Bharata; there will be no conflict. Bharata is out to persuade ›r∂ Råma to<br />

return. The omen tells us that there will be no discord.î On hearing this Guha said, ìThe<br />

old man says aright. Fools act precipitately and repent. If we come to a clash without<br />

knowing Bharataís intentions and ascertaining his temper and disposition, we shall be<br />

doing much harm to our own cause.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: gahahu ghå¢a bha¢a sami¢i saba leu° marama mili jåi,<br />

bµujhi mitra ari madhya gati tasa taba karihau° åi.192.<br />

ìClose up, all my warriors, and blockade the ghats till I meet Bharata and find out<br />

what is in his mind. When I have ascertained his friendly, hostile or neutral attitude I shall<br />

act accordingly after that.î (192)<br />

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Cau.: lakhaba sanehu subhåya° suhåe°, bairu pr∂ti nahiÚ duraiÚ duråe°.<br />

asa kahi bhe°¢a sa° jovana låge, ka≈da mµula phala khaga mæga måge.1.<br />

m∂na p∂na på¢h∂na puråne, bhari bhari bhåra kahåranha åne.<br />

milana såju saji milana sidhåe, ma≈gala mµula saguna subha påe.2.<br />

dekhi dµuri te° kahi nija nåmµu, k∂nha mun∂sahi da≈Œa pranåmµu.<br />

jåni råmapriya d∂nhi as∂så, bharatahi kaheu bujhåi mun∂så.3.<br />

råma sakhå suni sa≈danu tyågå, cale utari umagata anurågå.<br />

gau° jåti guha° nåu° sunå∂, k∂nha johåru måtha mahi lå∂.4.<br />

ìI shall test his love on the touchstone of his friendly disposition; for hatred and<br />

love cannot be disguised even if one tries to do so.î So saying he began to collect<br />

articles for making a present and sent for bulbs, roots and fruits as well as birds and<br />

deer. Men of the porter class also brought loads of fat and ripe fish of the På¢h∂na*<br />

species. Thus equipping himself with presents he proceeded to meet Bharata and met<br />

with auspicious and happy omens. As soon as he saw the chief of sages, Vasi¢ha, he<br />

mentioned his own name and prostrated himself before the sage from a distance. The<br />

sage, who knew him to be a friend of ›r∂ Råma, bestowed his blessing on him and told<br />

Bharata in detail about him. Hearing that he was a friend of ›r∂ Råma, Bharata alighted<br />

* The På¢h∂na is said to be a kind of sea-fish, the Silurus Pelorius or Boalis.

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