Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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518 *<br />

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Cau.: sa∂ t∂ra basi cale bihåne, sæ≈gaberapura saba niaråne.<br />

samåcåra saba sune niådå, hædaya° bicåra karai sabiådå.1.<br />

kårana kavana bharatu bana jåh∂°, hai kachu kapa¢a bhåu mana måh∂°.<br />

jau° pai jiya° na hoti ku¢ilå∂, tau kata l∂nha sa≈ga ka¢akå∂.2.<br />

jånahiÚ sånuja råmahi mår∂, karau° aka≈¢aka råju sukhår∂.<br />

bharata na råjan∂ti ura ån∂, taba kala≈ku aba j∂vana hån∂.3.<br />

sakala suråsura jurahiÚ jujhårå, råmahi samara na j∂tanihårå.<br />

kå åcaraju bharatu asa karah∂°, nah∂° bia beli amia phala pharah∂°.4.<br />

Halting on the bank of the Sa∂* river they resumed their journey at daybreak and<br />

the whole party drew near to ›æ∆gaverapura†. When the Niåda chief (Guha) heard the<br />

whole story, he anxiously thought within himself: ìWhat motive can Bharata have in<br />

journeying to the woods? He must have some evil design at heart. If he had no<br />

mischievous intention at heart, why should he have brought an army with him? He must<br />

have thought that after killing Råma and his younger brother (Lakmaƒa) he would reign<br />

peacefully and happily. But Bharata did not take to heart the maxims of sound polity;<br />

latterly he brought on himself stigma alone but this time he will meet a sure death. If all<br />

the warriors among the gods and demons combine against ›r∂ Råma, even they will fail<br />

to conquer him in battle. But what wonder that Bharata should behave as he is doing;<br />

for venomous plants, after all, can never bear fruits of ambrosia.î (1ó4)<br />

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„UÕflÊ°‚„ÈU ’Ù⁄U„ÈU Ã⁄UÁŸ ∑§ËÁ¡• ÉÊÊ≈UÊ⁄UÙ„ÈUH 189H<br />

Do.: asa bicåri guha° gyåti sana kaheu sajaga saba hohu,<br />

hathavå° sahu borahu tarani k∂jia ghå¢årohu.189.<br />

Pondering thus Guha said to his kinsmen, ìBe alert all of you; collect the boats<br />

and sink them and blockade the ghats (flight of steps leading to the river landingplace).î<br />

(189)<br />

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¡Êÿ° Á¡•Ã ¡ª ‚Ù ◊Á„U ÷ÊM§ – ¡ŸŸË ¡ı’Ÿ Á’≈U¬ ∑ȧ∆UÊM§H.4H<br />

* The Sa∂ rises about midway between the Gomat∂ and the Ga∆gå and falls into the former 10 miles<br />

below the city of Jaunpur.<br />

† The site of the ancient ›æ∆gaverapura is marked by a village bearing the same name under the<br />

modernized form ëSingraurí 22 miles to the north-west of Allahabad. The Ga∆gå has changed its course and<br />

only a small branch now flows through the old channel.

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