Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

511<br />

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Cau.: kaikai suana jogu jaga jo∂, catura bira≈ci d∂nha mohi so∂.<br />

dasaratha tanaya råma laghu bhå∂, d∂nhi mohi bidhi bådi baRå∂.1.<br />

tumha saba kahahu kaRhåvana ¢∂kå, råya rajåyasu saba kaha° n∂kå.<br />

utaru deu° kehi bidhi kehi keh∂, kahahu sukhena jathå ruci jeh∂.2.<br />

mohi kumåtu sameta bihå∂, kahahu kahihi ke k∂nha bhalå∂.<br />

mo binu ko sacaråcara måh∂°, jehi siya råmu prånapriya nåh∂°.3.<br />

parama håni saba kaha° baRa låhµu, adinu mora nahiÚ dµuana kåhµu.<br />

sa≈saya s∂la prema basa ahahµu, sabui ucita saba jo kachu kahahµu.4.<br />

ìGod in His wisdom has ordained for me everything in this world that is worthy of<br />

Kaikey∂ís son. He has, however, bestowed on me in vain the honour of being a son of<br />

king Da‹aratha and a younger brother of ›r∂ Råma. All of you urge me to accept the<br />

throne and the kingís command is good for all. How shall I answer all individually? Let<br />

everyone gladly say what one pleases. Barring me and my vile mother, tell me, who will<br />

say the right thing has been done? Excepting myself who is there in the whole animate<br />

and inanimate creation that does not love S∂tå and Råma as oneís own life? What is most<br />

baneful appears to you all as a mighty gain; this is my misfortune and none is to be<br />

blamed for it. You are in the grip of doubt, amiability and affection; and whatever you all<br />

say is right.î (1ó4)<br />

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∑§„Uß ‚È÷Êÿ ‚Ÿapple„U ’‚ ◊ÙÁ⁄U ŒËŸÃÊ ŒappleÁπH 181H<br />

Do.: råma måtu su¢hi saralacita mo para premu bisei,<br />

kahai subhåya saneha basa mori d∂natå dekhi.181.<br />

ì›r∂ Råmaís mother (Kausalyå) is most guileless of heart and loves me in a<br />

special degree. Finding me in distress she has said all this under impulse of natural<br />

affection.î (181)<br />

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¡ËflŸ ‹Ê„ÈU ‹πŸ ÷‹ ¬ÊflÊ – ‚’È ÃÁ¡ ⁄UÊ◊ ø⁄UŸ ◊ŸÈ ‹ÊflÊH<br />

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Cau.: gura bibeka sågara jagu jånå, jinhahi bisva kara badara samånå.<br />

mo kaha° tilaka såja saja soµu, bhae° bidhi bimukha bimukha sabu koµu.1.

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