Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

505<br />

exchanged his own youth for the old age of his father and incurred no sin or blame<br />

because he did so in obedience to his fatherís command.î (1ó4)<br />

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Ãapple ÷Ê¡Ÿ ‚Èπ ‚È¡‚ ∑apple§ ’‚®„U •◊⁄U¬Áà ∞appleŸH 174H<br />

Do.: anucita ucita bicåru taji je pålahiÚ pitu baina,<br />

te bhåjana sukha sujasa ke basahiÚ amarapati aina.174.<br />

ìThose who cherish their fatherís word, minding not whether it is reasonable or<br />

otherwise, attain happiness and fair renown and dwell in the abode of Indra (the lord of<br />

immortals).î (174)<br />

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Cau.: avasi naresa bacana phura karahµu, pålahu prajå soku pariharahµu.<br />

surapura næpu påihi paritou, tumha kahu° sukætu sujasu nahiÚ doµu.1.<br />

beda bidita sa≈mata sabah∂ kå, jehi pitu dei so påvai ¢∂kå.<br />

karahu råju pariharahu galån∂, månahu mora bacana hita jån∂.2.<br />

suni sukhu lahaba råma baideh∂°, anucita kahaba na pa≈Œita keh∂°.<br />

kausalyådi sakala mahatår∂°, teu prajå sukha hohiÚ sukhår∂°.3.<br />

parama tumhåra råma kara jånihi, so saba bidhi tumha sana bhala månihi.<br />

sau° pehu råju råma ke åe°, sevå karehu saneha suhåe°.4.<br />

ìTherefore, you needs must redeem the kingís word; cherish your subjects and<br />

cease to grieve. The king in heaven will derive solace, while you will earn merit and good<br />

fame and shall incur no blame. It is well known in the Vedas and has the sanction of all<br />

that the crown goes to him on whom the father bestows it. Therefore, rule the kingdom,<br />

feel no remorse and accept my advice as salutary. Råma and Videhaís daughter (S∂tå)<br />

will be gratified when they hear of it and no wise man will call it wrong. Kausalyå and all<br />

the other mothers too will be happy in the happiness of the people. Nay, he who will know<br />

the supreme affinity between you and Råma will have perfect goodwill towards you.<br />

When Råma returns home you may hand over the kingdom to him and serve him with<br />

ideal affection.î (1ó4)<br />

four of them declined. It was only the fifth and youngest son, Puru, who willingly parted with his own youth and<br />

accepted the old age of his father. After enjoying life for a few more years Yayåti got disgusted with the world and<br />

retired to the woods, returning the youth of his youngest son and crowning him king in preference to his elder<br />

brothers, who had all disappointed him. Even though Yayåti had made use of his sonís youth in enjoying life with<br />

his mother, the son incurred no sin because he had agreed to this arrangement only to please his father and<br />

made a unique sacrifice for his sake.

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