Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

461<br />

Whoever saw the beloved travellers, S∂tå and the two brothers (Råma and Lakmaƒa),<br />

joyously reached the end of the toilsome journey of life without any exertion. (123)<br />

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Cau.: ajahu° jåsu ura sapanehu° kåµu, basahu° lakhanu siya råmu ba¢åµu.<br />

råma dhåma patha påihi so∂, jo patha påva kabahu° muni ko∂.1.<br />

taba raghub∂ra ‹ramita siya jån∂, dekhi nika¢a ba¢u s∂tala pån∂.<br />

taha° basi ka≈da mµula phala khå∂, pråta nahåi cale raghurå∂.2.<br />

dekhata bana sara saila suhåe, bålam∂ki å‹rama prabhu åe.<br />

råma d∂kha muni båsu suhåvana, su≈dara giri kånanu jalu påvana.3.<br />

sarani saroja bi¢apa bana phµule, gu≈jata ma≈ju madhupa rasa bhµule.<br />

khaga mæga bipula kolåhala karah∂°, birahita baira mudita mana carah∂°.4.<br />

Nay, to this very day, anyone in whose heart the wayfarers Lakmaƒa, S∂tå and<br />

Råma, should ever lodge even in a dream shall find the road leading to ›r∂ Råmaís abode<br />

(the divine region known by the name of Såketa),óthe road that scarce any anchorite<br />

may find. Then perceiving that S∂tå was tired and seeing a banyan tree and cool water<br />

hard by, the Hero of Raghuís line partook of bulbs, roots and fruits and staying there<br />

overnight and bathing at dawn the Lord of Raghus proceeded further. And beholding<br />

lovely woods, lakes and hills the Lord reached the hermitage of Vålm∂ki. ›r∂ Råma saw<br />

the sageís beautiful dwelling with its charming hills and forest and its sacred waters. The<br />

lotuses in the ponds and the trees in the woods were in blossom; intoxicated with their<br />

honey bees sweetly hummed over them. Birds and beasts made a tumultuous noise and<br />

moved about in joy free from all animosities. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: suci su≈dara å‹ramu nirakhi harae råjivanena,<br />

suni raghubara ågamanu muni åge° åyau lena.124.<br />

The lotus-eyed Råma rejoiced to behold the sacred and lovely hermitage; and<br />

hearing of the arrival of ›r∂ Råma (the Chief of Raghuís line) the sage came forth to<br />

receive Him. (124)<br />

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