Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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ìIf they live on bulbs, roots and fruits alone, foods such as ambrosia exist in vain.î<br />

Some people remarked: ìNaturally charming as they are, these princes must have<br />

appeared on earth of their own accord and were not made by God. In all the fourteen<br />

spheres ransack if you will the entire range of Godís creation described at length in the<br />

Vedas as perceptible by the ears, eyes and mind; but where can you find such a man<br />

and such a woman as these? At their very sight Brahmåís mind got enamoured of them<br />

and he proceeded to make their match. He toiled much, but none of his products could<br />

even approach the prototype; and due to that jealousy he has brought these princes to<br />

the woods and hid them.î Others said, ìWe do not claim to know much, but account<br />

ourselves supremely blessed. They too are meritorious in our opinion, who see these<br />

princes or have seen them or shall see them.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: ehi bidhi kahi kahi bacana priya lehiÚ nayana bhari n∂ra,<br />

kimi calihahiÚ måraga agama su¢hi sukumåra sar∂ra.120.<br />

ìMaking such fond remarks they filled their eyes with tears and added, Most<br />

delicate of frame, how shall they be able to traverse such an impassable road?î (120)<br />

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Cau.: nåri saneha bikala basa hoh∂°, caka∂° så° jha samaya janu soh∂°.<br />

mædu pada kamala ka¢hina magu jån∂, gahabari hædaya° kahahiÚ bara bån∂.1.<br />

parasata mædula carana arunåre, sakucati mahi jimi hædaya hamåre.<br />

jau° jagad∂sa inhahi banu d∂nhå, kasa na sumanamaya måragu k∂nhå.2.<br />

jau° mågå påia bidhi påh∂°, e rakhiahiÚ sakhi å° khinha måh∂°.<br />

je nara nåri na avasara åe, tinha siya råmu na dekhana påe.3.<br />

suni surµupu bµujhahiÚ akulå∂, aba lagi gae kahå° lagi bhå∂.<br />

samaratha dhåi bilokahiÚ jå∂, pramudita phirahiÚ janamaphalu på∂.4.<br />

Overmastered by love the women felt as uneasy as the female Cakravåka bird<br />

does at evening time. Reflecting on the tender lotus-like feet of the princes and the rough<br />

road they were required to tread, the women said in polite phrase with their heart stirred<br />

with deep feeling, ìAt the touch of their soft and rosy soles the earth shrinks even as our<br />

hearts. If the Lord of the universe chose to exile them into the woods, why did He not<br />

at the same time strew their path with flowers? If we can secure from Heaven the boon<br />

of our asking, let us keep these princes, O friend, within the lids of our eyes.î Those men

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