Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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450 *<br />

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te pitu måtu kahahu sakhi kaise, jinha pa¢hae bana bålaka aise.<br />

råma lakhana siya rµupu nihår∂, hohiÚ saneha bikala nara når∂.4.<br />

Thrilling all over with emotion, ›r∂ Råma pressed him to His bosom, as though a<br />

pauper had found a philosopherís stone. Everyone who saw them suggested as though<br />

love, on the one hand, and the supreme Reality, on the other, embraced each other in<br />

living form. Next he threw himself at the feet of Lakmaƒa, who lifted him with a heart<br />

overflowing with love. Again he placed on his head the dust of S∂tåís feet and the Mother<br />

(S∂tå) gave him Her blessing, knowing him to be Her own child. The Niåda chief in his<br />

turn fell prostrate before the hermit, who gladly embraced him recognizing him to be a<br />

friend of ›r∂ Råma. With the cup of his eyes he drank the nectar of ›r∂ Råmaís beauty<br />

and was delighted as a hungry soul who had secured excellent food *. ìTell me, friend,<br />

what are those father and mother like, that have exiled to the woods children such as<br />

these?î Beholding the beauty of ›r∂ Råma, Lakmaƒa and S∂tå, men and women alike<br />

were ill at ease on account of love. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: taba raghub∂ra aneka bidhi sakhahi sikhåvanu d∂nha,<br />

råma rajåyasu s∂sa dhari bhavana gavanu teiÚ k∂nha.111.<br />

The Hero of Raghuís race then admonished His friend (Guha) in ways more than<br />

one. And bowing to ›r∂ Råmaís commands he left for his home. (111)<br />

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Cau.: puni siya° råma lakhana kara jor∂, jamunahi k∂nha pranåmu bahor∂.<br />

cale sas∂ya mudita dou bhå∂, rabitanujå kai karata baRå∂.1.<br />

pathika aneka milahiÚ maga jåtå, kahahiÚ saprema dekhi dou bhråtå.<br />

råja lakhana saba a≈ga tumhåre° , dekhi socu ati hædaya hamåre° .2.<br />

måraga calahu payådehi påe°, jyotiu jhµu¢ha hamåre° bhåe° .<br />

agamu pa≈thu giri kånana bhår∂, tehi maha° såtha nåri sukumår∂.3.<br />

* This episode of an ascetic has been ignored by some commentators as an interpolation and<br />

obviously it is disconnected with the main thread of the narrative and appears to have been inserted<br />

afterwards. All the same the lines are found in all old manuscripts. The poet was a saint of uncommon spiritual<br />

insight. It is, therefore, difficult to say what was his intention in writing these lines. In any case the episode<br />

cannot be dismissed as an interpolation. When the ascetic has been spoken of here as unknown even to the<br />

poet, no one can say with any amount of certainty who he was. To our mind he is none else than the monkeygod,<br />

›r∂ Hanumån, or a mental projection of the poet (Tulas∂dåsa) himself.

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