Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

449<br />

Cau.: sunata t∂rabås∂ nara når∂, dhåe nija nija kåja bisår∂.<br />

lakhana råma siya su≈daratå∂, dekhi karahiÚ nija bhågya baRå∂.1.<br />

ati lålaså basahiÚ mana måh∂°, nåu° gåu° bµujhata sakucåh∂°.<br />

je tinha mahu° bayabiridha sayåne, tinha kari juguti råmu pahicåne.2.<br />

sakala kathå tinha sabahi sunå∂, banahi cale pitu åyasu på∂.<br />

suni sabiåda sakala pachitåh∂°, rån∂ råya° k∂nha bhala nåh∂°.3.<br />

tehi avasara eka tåpasu åvå, tejapu≈ja laghubayasa suhåvå.<br />

kabi alakhita gati beu biråg∂, mana krama bacana råma anuråg∂.4.<br />

Hearing of their arrival the people inhabiting the river banks ran to see them<br />

unmindful of their duties. Beholding the beauty of Lakmaƒa, Råma and S∂tå they<br />

congratulated themselves on their good luck. Their hearts were seized with intense<br />

longing, but they felt shy in enquiring the names and residence of the newcomers. Such<br />

of them, however, as were advanced in years and intelligent were able to recognize<br />

Råma by dint of their wit. They related to them the whole story telling them how ›r∂ Råma<br />

had proceeded to the woods in obedience to His fatherís commands. They were all sad<br />

to hear this and lamented: ìThe king and queen have not done well.î In the meantime<br />

there arrived an ascetic who was an embodiment of spiritual glow, young in years and<br />

charming in appearance. His ways were unknown to the poet; he was attired in the garb<br />

of a recluse and was devoted to Råma in thought, word and deed. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sajala nayana tana pulaki nija i¢adeu pahicåni,<br />

pareu da≈Œa jimi dharanitala daså na jåi bakhåni.110.<br />

His eyes were wet with tears and a thrill ran through his body when he came to<br />

recognize his beloved Deity (›r∂ Råma). He fell prostrate on the ground and the state of<br />

his body and mind could not be described in words. (110)<br />

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Cau.: råma saprema pulaki ura låvå, parama ra≈ka janu pårasu påvå.<br />

manahu° premu paramårathu doµu, milata dhare° tana kaha sabu koµu.1.<br />

bahuri lakhana påyanha soi lågå, l∂nha u¢håi umagi anurågå.<br />

puni siya carana dhµuri dhari s∂så, janani jåni sisu d∂nhi as∂så.2.<br />

k∂nha niåda da≈Œavata teh∂, mileu mudita lakhi råma saneh∂.<br />

piata nayana pu¢a rµupu piyµuå, mudita suasanu påi jimi bhµukhå.3.

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