Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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28 *<br />

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seed-letters* representing the fire-god, the sun-god and the moon-god (viz., Ra, Å and<br />

Ma respectively). It is the same as Brahmå (the creative aspect of God), Viƒu (His<br />

preservative aspect) and ›iva (His disintegrating aspect), and the vital breath of the Vedas;<br />

It is attributeless, peerless and a mine of virtues. It is the great spell which Lord Mahe‹vara<br />

mutters and which, when imparted by Him at Kå‹∂ (the modern Våråƒas∂) leads to<br />

emancipation†. Its glory is known to Lord Gaƒe‹a, who is worshipped before all others<br />

as a concession to the Name‡. The oldest poet (Vålm∂ki) is acquainted with the glory of<br />

the Name, inasmuch as he attained to purity by repeating It in the reverse order§. Hearing<br />

the verdict of Lord ›iva that the name is as good as a thousand other names of God,<br />

Goddess Bhavån∂ (Pårvat∂) dined with Her consort after uttering It only once#. Noticing<br />

such partiality of Her heart for the Name, Hara (Lord ›iva) made that lady, who was the<br />

ornament of Her sex, the ornament of His own person (i.e., made Her a part of His own<br />

being by assigning to Her the left half of His body). ›iva knows full well the power of the<br />

Name, due to which deadly poison served the purpose of nectar to Him. (1ó4)<br />

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⁄UÊ◊ ŸÊ◊ ’⁄U ’⁄UŸ ¡Èª ‚ÊflŸ ÷ÊŒfl ◊Ê‚H 19H<br />

Do.: baraå ritu raghupati bhagati tulas∂ såli sudåsa,<br />

råma nåma bara barana juga såvana bhådava måsa.19.<br />

Devotion to the Lord of Raghus is, as it were, the rainy season and the noble<br />

devotees, says Tulas∂dåsa, represent the paddy crop; while the two charming syllables<br />

of the name ëRåm aí stand for the two months of ›råvaƒa and Bhådrapada (corresponding<br />

roughly to July and August). (19)<br />

* Each letter-sound of the Sa≈skæta Alphabet represents one or more gods of the Hindu pantheon and<br />

the Tantras claim that these letters (which are technically known by the name of B∂ja-Mantras or seed-letters),<br />

if joined with other spells sacred to that particular deity and repeated with due ceremony a fixed number of<br />

times possess the efficacy of revealing the deity in person before the worshipper and propitiating him or her.<br />

† The scriptures maintain that Lord ›iva, the deity presiding over the holy city of Kå‹∂, whispers into the<br />

right ear of every creature, dying within its boundaries, the name ëRåmaí and thereby brings emancipation to<br />

the dying soul.<br />

‡ We read in the Puråƒas how there was a scramble for precedence among the gods, each of whom<br />

claimed the first position for himself. They approached Brahmå for a ruling. He told them that they should race<br />

round the world and that whoever finished the round quickest of all would be accounted the highest. Gaƒe‹a,<br />

who rode on no better animal than a rat, naturally lagged behind. He met on the way the celestial sage<br />

Nårada, who advised him to scratch the word ëRåmaí on the ground and pace round It, as the word comprised<br />

in Itself the entire creation. Gaƒe‹a did accordingly and was naturally the first to finish the round of the<br />

universe. Brahmå appreciated this act of Gaƒe‹a and conceded his title to precedence over all the other gods.<br />

Since then Gaƒe‹a has uninterruptedly enjoyed the right of being worshipped first of all.<br />

§ Vålm∂ki was a highway robber in his earlier life and was known by the name of Ratnåkara.Seven<br />

seers, who once fell a victim to his depredation, awakened him to the reprehensible nature of his conduct and<br />

instructed him in the holy name of Råma. Completely immersed in sin he was, however, unable to utter the<br />

word. The seers, therefore, asked him to repeat the name in the reverse order. In this way he was eventually<br />

able to utter the name correctly and in course of time became so fond of repeating It that he ultimately turned<br />

out to be a pious sage and seer and related the story of ›r∂ Råma in fine verse even before His advent.<br />

# We are told in the Padmapuråƒa how Bhagavån ›a∆kara once invited His consort to join Him in His<br />

dinner. Goddess Pårvat∂, however, declind on the ground that She had not yet recited the Viƒu-Sahasranåma,<br />

which She must before Her breakfast. Bhagavån ›a∆kara asked Her to repeat the name of Råma instead, as<br />

a single utterance of the Name was as good as reciting a thousand other names of the Lord. Pårvat∂ did<br />

accordingly and forthwith joined Her lord in dinner.

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