Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

441<br />

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Cau.: kæpåsi≈dhu bole musukå∂, soi karu jehiÚ tava nåva na jå∂.<br />

begi ånu jala påya pakhårµu, hota bila≈bu utårahi pårµu.1.<br />

jåsu nåma sumirata eka bårå, utarahiÚ nara bhavasi≈dhu apårå.<br />

soi kæpålu keva¢ahi nihorå, jehiÚ jagu kiya tihu pagahu te thorå.2.<br />

pada nakha nirakhi devasari hara∂, suni prabhu bacana moha° mati kara∂.<br />

keva¢a råma rajåyasu påvå, påni ka¢havatå bhari lei åvå.3.<br />

ati åna≈da umagi anurågå, carana saroja pakhårana lågå.<br />

barai sumana sura sakala sihåh∂°, ehi sama punyapu≈ja kou nåh∂°.4.<br />

The all-compassionate Lord smilingly said, ìDo that which may prevent the loss<br />

of your boat. Bring water at once and lave my feet; we are getting late, take us<br />

across.î The same gracious Lord, by uttering whose Name only once men cross<br />

the boundless ocean of mundane existence, and for whose three strides the universe<br />

proved too small*, thus importuned an ordinary boatman. Though bewildered by the<br />

Lordís words, the celestial river (Ga∆gå) rejoiced on beholding the nails of His toes.<br />

On receiving ›r∂ Råmaís command the ferryman brought a wood basin full of water.<br />

In great joy and with a heart overflowing with love he proceeded to bathe the Lordís<br />

lotus-feet. Raining flowers on him all the gods envied his lot and said there was<br />

none so meritorious as he. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: pada pakhåri jalu påna kari åpu sahita parivåra,<br />

pitara påru kari prabhuhi puni mudita gayau lei påra.101.<br />

Having laved the Lordís feet and drunk of the water in which they had been<br />

immersed alongwith the other members of his family, he thereby transported the souls<br />

of his deceased forbears across the ocean of metempsychosis and then gladly took the<br />

Lord across the Ga∆gå. (101)<br />

* There is an allusion here to the Lordís Descent as a Dwarf and to His subsequently assuming<br />

colossal dimensions and measuring the earth and heavens in a couple of strides. The same Lord who had<br />

assumed the form of a Dwarf in the Satyayuga now appeared as ›r∂ Råma; hence the two are identified by the<br />

poet. It is further mentioned in the Puråƒas that Brahmå (the Creator) laved the foot of the Lord when it<br />

reached Brahmaloka (the highest heaven) after measuring the heavens and it was this water which flowed<br />

through the heavens and later on reached the earth in the form of the river Ga∆gå. It is also gathered from the<br />

Puråƒas that the river, like all other rivers and mountains etc., is presided over by a goddess of the same name<br />

and it is this deity who is represented here as mystified by the Lordís behaviour as an ordinary human being<br />

depending on a boatman for being taken across the stream. When, however, the boatman bathed the feet of<br />

the Lord with the water of the holy river, the goddess took no time in recognizing the source of her waters and<br />

rejoiced to discover the Almighty Lord.

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