Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

439<br />

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Cau.: prånanåtha priya devara såthå, b∂ra dhur∂na dhare° dhanu bhåthå.<br />

nahiÚ maga ‹ramu bhramu dukha mana more°, mohi lagi socu karia jani bhore°.1.<br />

suni suma≈tru siya s∂tali bån∂, bhayau bikala janu phani mani hån∂.<br />

nayana sµujha nahiÚ sunai na kånå, kahi na sakai kachu ati akulånå.2.<br />

råma prabodhu k∂nha bahu bhå°t∂, tadapi hoti nahiÚ s∂tali chåt∂.<br />

jatana aneka såtha hita k∂nhe, ucita utara raghuna≈dana d∂nhe.3.<br />

me¢i jåi nahiÚ råma rajå∂, ka¢hina karama gati kachu na baså∂.<br />

råma lakhana siya pada siru nå∂, phireu banika jimi mµura gavå° ∂.4.<br />

ìI have by my side the lord of my life as well as his younger brother, the foremost<br />

of heroes; both carrying a bow and a quiver full of arrows with them. My mind does not<br />

feel the toil of the journey, and there is no giddiness or sorrow; therefore, pray grieve not<br />

on my account even unwittingly.î On hearing these soothing words from S∂tåís lips,<br />

Sumantra felt uneasy as a serpent at the loss of its gem. He saw not with his eyes and<br />

heard not with his ears; and he was too agitated to speak. ›r∂ Råma comforted him in<br />

many ways; yet his heart would not be pacified. He made many efforts even to<br />

accompany the Lord; but the Delighter of Raghus gave him suitable replies each time.<br />

›r∂ Råmaís command could not be violated either. Cruel was the turn Fate had taken;<br />

there was no help. Bowing his head at the feet of ›r∂ Råma, Lakmaƒa and S∂tå, he<br />

turned back as a merchant who had lost his capital. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: rathu hå° keu haya råma tana heri heri hihinåhiÚ,<br />

dekhi niåda biådabasa dhunahiÚ s∂sa pachitåhiÚ.99.<br />

As he drove the chariot the horses turned their eyes towards ›r∂ Råma and<br />

neighed. Overcome with grief at this sight, the Niådas (Guhaís men) beat their heads<br />

and lamented. (99)<br />

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Cau.: jåsu biyoga bikala pasu aise°, prajå måtu pitu jiihahiÚ kaise°.<br />

barabasa råma suma≈tru pa¢håe, surasari t∂ra åpu taba åe.1.<br />

måg∂ nåva na keva¢u ånå, kahai tumhåra maramu maiÚ jånå.<br />

carana kamala raja kahu° sabu kaha∂, månua karani mµuri kachu aha∂.2.

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