Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: pitu baibhava bilåsa maiÚ Œ∂¢hå, næpa mani muku¢a milita pada p∂¢hå.<br />

sukhanidhåna asa pitu gæha more°, piya bih∂na mana bhåva na bhore°.1.<br />

sasura cakkavai kosalaråµu, bhuvana cåridasa praga¢a prabhåµu.<br />

åge° hoi jehi surapati le∂, aradha si≈ghåsana åsanu de∂.2.<br />

sasura etådæsa avadha nivåsµu, priya parivåru måtu sama såsµu.<br />

binu raghupati pada paduma parågå, mohi keu sapanehu° sukhada na lågå.3.<br />

agama pa≈tha banabhµumi pahårå, kari kehari sara sarita apårå.<br />

kola kiråta kura≈ga biha≈gå, mohi saba sukhada prånapati sa≈gå.4.<br />

ìI have witnessed the glory of my fatherís fortune; his footstool is kissed by the<br />

crowns of the greatest monarchs. Bereft of my Lord, my parentís home, which is such<br />

an abode of bliss, does not attract my mind even in an unguarded moment. My fatherin-law<br />

is no less a personage than the King of Kosala, the suzerain lord of the entire<br />

globe, whose glory is manifest in all the fourteen spheres comprising the universe. Even<br />

Indra (the lord of celestials) goes ahead to receive him and seats him beside himself on<br />

his own throne. Such is my father-in-law, Ayodhyå is my abode, agreeable is my family<br />

and my mothers-in-law love me as my own mother. But without the dust from the lotus<br />

feet of my husband (the Lord of Raghus) none affords me pleasure even in a dream. On<br />

the other hand, impassable roads, forest regions and hills, elephants and lions, lakes and<br />

streams that cannot be crossed, wild tribes such as Kolas and Bh∂las, deer and birdsó<br />

all these are delightful to me in the company of my beloved lord. (1ó4)<br />

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◊Ù⁄U ‚ÙøÈ ¡ÁŸ ∑§Á⁄U• ∑§¿ÈU ◊Ò¥ ’Ÿ ‚ÈπË ‚È÷Êÿ°H 98H<br />

Do.: såsu sasura sana mori hu° ti binaya karabi pari påya°,<br />

mora socu jani karia kachu maiÚ bana sukh∂ subhåya°.98.<br />

ìFalling at the feet of my father-in-law and mother-in-law request them on my<br />

behalf not to grieve the least for me; for I feel naturally happy in the woods.î (98)<br />

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