Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

437<br />

There is very comfort both in her parentís home as well as with the parents of her<br />

lord (i.e., ourselves); therefore, S∂tå can live at ease wherever she pleases at a particular<br />

time till this adversity ends. (96)<br />

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Cau.: binat∂ bhµupa k∂nha jehi bhå° t∂, årati pr∂ti na so kahi jåt∂.<br />

pitu sa° desu suni kæpånidhånå, siyahi d∂nha sikha ko¢i bidhånå.1.<br />

såsu sasura gura priya parivårµu, phirahu ta saba kara mi¢ai khabhårµu.<br />

suni pati bacana kahati baideh∂, sunahu prånapati parama saneh∂.2.<br />

prabhu karunåmaya parama bibek∂, tanu taji rahati chå° ha kimi che°k∂.<br />

prabhå jåi kaha° bhånu bihå∂, kaha° ca≈drikå ca≈du taji jå∂.3.<br />

patihi premamaya binaya sunå∂, kahati saciva sana girå suhå∂.<br />

tumha pitu sasura sarisa hitakår∂, utaru deu° phiri anucita bhår∂.4.<br />

ìThe piteousness and affection with which the kingís entreaty was attended<br />

cannot be expressed in words.î On hearing His fatherís message the All-merciful<br />

Lord admonished S∂tå in countless ways. ìIf you return, the affliction of your motherin-law<br />

and father-in-law, your preceptor and all your near and dear ones will cease.î<br />

In response to Her lordís advice King Videhaís Daughter said, ìListen, most loving<br />

lord of my life, my all-compassionate and supremely wise master: can a shadow<br />

be torn away from its substance? The sunlight can never exist apart from the sun<br />

nor can the radiance of the moon leave the moon.î Having submitted Her loving<br />

entreaty to Her Lord, She spoke these charming words to the minister: ìYou are<br />

as good to me as my own father or father-in-law; it is therefore most undesirable<br />

that I should urge something in reply.î (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó•Ê⁄UÁà ’‚ ‚Ÿ◊Èπ ÷ß©° Á’‹ªÈ Ÿ ◊ÊŸ’ ÃÊÖ<br />

•Ê⁄U¡‚Èà ¬Œ ∑§◊‹ Á’ŸÈ ’ÊÁŒ ¡„UÊ° ‹Áª ŸÊÃH 97H<br />

Do.: årati basa sanamukha bhaiu° bilagu na månaba tåta,<br />

årajasuta pada kamala binu bådi jahå° lagi nåta.97.<br />

ìIt is due to grief that I am constrained to address you*; do not take offence at it,<br />

sire. In the absence of the lotus feet of my lord all other ties of kinship are of little<br />

account.î (97)<br />

* It is unmannerly on the part of a Hindu woman to open her lips before the male elders of her<br />


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