Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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414 *<br />

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with him? ìWhen ›r∂ Råma saw His brother with joined palms having renounced his<br />

home and reckless about his own body, He addressed him in the following words, wellversed<br />

as He was in the rules of correct behaviour and an ocean of amiability, love,<br />

artlessness and joy: ìPray do not lose your balance of mind out of affection, dear brother,<br />

and be convinced in your heart of hearts that the end will be a happy one.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: måtu pitå guru svåmi sikha sira dhari karahiÚ subhåya° ,<br />

laheu låbhu tinha janama kara nataru janamu jaga jåya° .70.<br />

ìThose who reverently and unconstrainedly follow the advice of their father and<br />

mother, preceptor and master have reaped the fruit of their birth or else their coming into<br />

this world has been in vain.î (70)<br />

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Cau.: asa jiya° jåni sunahu sikha bhå∂, karahu måtu pitu pada sevakå∂.<br />

bhavana bharatu ripusµudanu nåh∂°, råu bæddha mama dukhu mana måh∂°.1.<br />

maiÚ bana jåu° tumhahi lei såthå, hoi sabahi bidhi avadha anåthå.<br />

guru pitu måtu prajå parivårµu, saba kahu° parai dusaha dukha bhårµu.2.<br />

rahahu karahu saba kara paritoµu, nataru tåta hoihi baRa doµu.<br />

jåsu råja priya prajå dukhår∂, so næpu avasi naraka adhikår∂.3.<br />

rahahu tåta asi n∂ti bicår∂, sunata lakhanu bhae byåkula bhår∂.<br />

siare° bacana sµukhi gae kaise°, parasata tuhina tåmarasu jaise°.4.<br />

ìBearing this in mind, brother, listen to my advice and wait upon the feet of our<br />

father and mothers. Bharata and Ripusµudana (›atrughna) are not at home, while the king<br />

is aged and full of grief for my sake. If I proceed to the woods taking you with me,<br />

Ayodhyå will be rendered completely masterless and the preceptor and parents, the<br />

people as well as the family, all will be subjected to a spell of terrible suffering. Stay, then,<br />

to comfort all; otherwise, brother, we shall incur great sin. A king whose reign brings<br />

suffering to his beloved people surely deserves an abode in hell. Bearing in mind this<br />

maxim, dear brother, stay at home.î Hearing this, Lakmaƒa felt much distressed. He<br />

turned pale at these soothing words in the same way as a lotus is blasted when touched<br />

by frost. (1ó4)<br />

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