Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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406 *<br />

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Even though He hesitated in speaking to Her in the presence of His mother, He<br />

realized within Himself the emergency of the situation and said, ìListen to my advice, O<br />

princess, and do not misunderstand me. If you wish well of me as well as of yourself,<br />

please accept my suggestion and stay at home. You will be obeying my order and<br />

rendering service to your mother-in-law; by remaining at home, O good lady, you will be<br />

benefited in everyway. For a woman there is no other duty more sacred than reverently<br />

adoring the feet of her husbandís parents. Whenever my mother thinks of me and feeling<br />

disconsolate due to her love for me loses her balance of mind, do you console her, my<br />

love, with soothing words by narrating old legends to her. I tell you sincerely and<br />

solemnly; it is for my motherís sake, O charming lady, that I leave you here.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: gura ‹ruti sa≈mata dharama phalu påia binahiÚ kalesa,<br />

ha¢ha basa saba sa≈ka¢a sahe gålava nahua naresa.61.<br />

ì(By staying at home in deference to me wishes) you will easily obtain the<br />

reward of virtue approved of by oneís elders and the Vedas; whereas by giving<br />

themselves over to obduracy the sage Gålava,* King Nahua† and all others suffered<br />

great hardships.î (61)<br />

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*Gålava was a pupil of the celebrated sage Vi‹våmitra. When he was about to leave his Guru after<br />

completing his studies, he requested the latter to ask something by way of the preceptorís fee (Gurudakiƒå).<br />

Vi‹våmitra would ask nothing; but Gålava persisted in importuning him. At last, in order to get rid of his<br />

obstinate student, the sage Vi‹våmitra ordered him to get for him a thousand snow-white horses with dark<br />

ears. Gålava had to experience a good deal of trouble in procuring this rare breed of horses.<br />

† King Nahua was a pious and illustrious ruler. When Indra, the lord of paradise, slew the demon Vætra<br />

(who was a Bråhmaƒa by birth) he incurred the sin of having killed a Bråhmaƒa and out of shame hid himself<br />

in the Månasarovara lake. Finding themselves without a king the gods installed King Nahua on the throne of<br />

Indra and proclaimed him as their ruler. Nahua once beheld Indraís wife and, enamoured of her beauty,<br />

longed to take her to wife. ›ac∂, who was noted for her fidelity to her husband, did not approve of Nahuaís<br />

overtures and approached the sage Bæhaspati (the preceptor of gods) for protection. The gods and sages<br />

thereupon expostulated with Nahua and tried to dissuade him but in vain. According to Bæhaspatiís advice<br />

›ac∂ then offered to accept Nahua as her husband if the latter rode to her on a palanquin carried by sages.<br />

Nahua, who was blinded by passion and was bent on having her as his wife at all costs, gladly agreed and<br />

prevailed on the sages to carry him on their shoulders. As the sages, who got tired very soon, were<br />

proceeding rather slowly, Nahua spurred them on and while doing so kicked the sage Agastya and the latter<br />

pronounced a curse upon him that he should take the form of a python.

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