Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

399<br />

ìI adjure you, my darling, to bathe quickly and take some sweet dish of your<br />

choice. See your father after that, my boy; for I protest it is already too late.î Even on<br />

hearing these most agreeable words of His mother, which were blossoms as it were of<br />

the celestial tree of affection, laden with the honey of joy and fountains of worldly<br />

prosperity, the bee of ›r∂ Råmaís mind could not be lured by their charm. A champion<br />

of righteousness that He was, He clearly discerned the path of duty and spoke to His<br />

mother in exceedingly polite terms. ìFather has bestowed on me the kingdom of the<br />

forest, where there will be great opportunities for me in everyway. Therefore, grant me<br />

leave with a cheerful heart, so that my journey to the forest may be attended with joy and<br />

blessing. Be not obsessed with erroneous fears due to affection, dear mother; by your<br />

goodwill I shall be ever happy.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: baraa cåridasa bipina basi kari pitu bacana pramåna,<br />

åi påya puni dekhihau° manu jani karasi malåna.53.<br />

ìSpending four years and ten in the forest and having obeyed my fatherís<br />

commands I will come back and behold your feet again; be not sad at heart.î (53)<br />

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Cau.: bacana bin∂ta madhura raghubara ke, sara sama lage måtu ura karake.<br />

sahami sµukhi suni s∂tali bån∂, jimi javåsa pare° påvasa pån∂.1.<br />

kahi na jåi kachu hædaya biådµu, manahu° mæg∂ suni kehari nådµu.<br />

nayana sajala tana thara thara kå° p∂, måjahi khåi m∂na janu måp∂.2.<br />

dhari dh∂raju suta badanu nihår∂, gadagada bacana kahati mahatår∂.<br />

tåta pitahi tumha prånapiåre, dekhi mudita nita carita tumhåre.3.<br />

råju dena kahu° subha dina sådhå, kaheu jåna bana kehiÚ aparådhå.<br />

tåta sunåvahu mohi nidånµu, ko dinakara kula bhayau kæsånµu.4.<br />

The gentle and sweet words of ›r∂ Råma (the Chief of the Raghus) pierced the<br />

motherís heart and rankled there. Alarmed to hear His serene speech she turned pale in<br />

the same way as the Yavåsaka plant is blasted by a shower in the monsoon. The agony<br />

of her heart was beyond description like that of a doe that has heard a lionís roar. Her<br />

eyes were wet with tears and her body violently shook like a fish that had got inebriated<br />

by sucking the scum raised by the first monsoon shower. Recovering herself and looking<br />

her son in the face the mother spoke in faltering accents, ìMy boy, you are dear as life<br />

to your father, to whom it is a constant delight to watch your doings from day to day. He

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