Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

397<br />

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Cau.: utaru na dei dusaha risa rµukh∂, mæginha citava janu båghini bhµukh∂.<br />

byådhi asådhi jåni tinha tyåg∂, cal∂° kahata matima≈da abhåg∂.1.<br />

råju karata yaha daia° bigo∂, k∂nhesi asa jasa karai na ko∂.<br />

ehi bidhi bilapahiÚ pura nara når∂°, dehiÚ kucålihi ko¢ika går∂°.2.<br />

jarahiÚ biama jara lehiÚ usåså, kavani råma binu j∂vana åså.<br />

bipula biyoga prajå akulån∂, janu jalacara gana sµukhata pån∂.3.<br />

ati biåda basa loga logå∂°, gae måtu pahiÚ råmu goså∂°.<br />

mukha prasanna cita cauguna cåµu, mi¢å socu jani råkhai råµu.4.<br />

She gave no reply and wore a sullen look due to anger that could not be easily<br />

curbed. She stared at them as a hungry tigress would gaze on a herd of does. Finding<br />

her disease incurable, her friends left her saying as they went, ëWretched fool! Fate could<br />

not brook her sovereignty and has betrayed her. She has done what nobody else would<br />

do.î Men and women of the city thus lamented and showered numberless abuses on the<br />

wicked woman. They burned with terrible agony and sighed. ìThere can be no hope of<br />

life without Råma,î they said. The people were disconcerted at the thought of long<br />

separation even as aquatic creatures get disturbed when water in which they live begins<br />

to fail. Men and women alike were overcome with excessive grief. In the meantime Lord<br />

›r∂ Råma called on His mother (Kausalyå). He wore a cheerful look and had fourfold joy<br />

in his heart; He no longer feared lest the king should detain him. (1ó4)<br />

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¿ÍU≈U ¡ÊÁŸ ’Ÿ ªflŸÈ ‚ÈÁŸ ©U⁄U •Ÿ¢ŒÈ •Áœ∑§ÊŸH 51H<br />

Do.: nava gaya≈du raghub∂ra manu råju alåna samåna,<br />

chµu¢a jåni bana gavanu suni ura ana≈du adhikåna.51.<br />

The mind of ›r∂ Råma (the Hero of Raghuís race) resembled a young elephant<br />

(newly caught) with kingship for its chain. When He heard of the proposal for exiling Him<br />

to the forest He took Himself as freed and felt overjoyed in His heart. (51)<br />

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Cau.: raghukulatilaka jori dou håthå, mudita måtu pada nåyau måthå.<br />

d∂nhi as∂sa låi ura l∂nhe, bhµuana basana nichåvari k∂nhe.1.

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