Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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390 *<br />

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The queen rejoiced to find ›r∂ Råma inclined towards her proposal and said with<br />

a false show of affection, ìI swear by yourself and Bharata that no other cause of the<br />

kingís affliction is known to me. You are hardly capable of any offence, dear son, a<br />

source of delight that you are to your parents and brothers. What you say is all true; you<br />

are devoted to the words of your father and mother. I adjure you to argue with your father<br />

that he may not incur opprobrium in the evening of his life. It is hardly desirable for him<br />

to disregard the virtues (truthfulness etc.) that have fetched him a son like you.î These<br />

polite words adorned her detestable mouth even as sacred spots like Gayå beautify the<br />

accursed land of Magadha (South Bihar). All these words from His stepmother sounded<br />

pleasant to Råma in the same way as waters of all kinds are hallowed through their<br />

confluence with the holy Ga∆gå. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: gai muruchå råmahi sumiri næpa phiri karava¢a l∂nha,<br />

saciva råma ågamana kahi binaya samaya sama k∂nha.43<br />

The kingís spell of unconsciousness now left him; he remembered Råma and then<br />

changed sides. And the minister (Sumantra) informed him of ›r∂ Råmaís arrival and made<br />

humble submission to him in words appropriate to the occasion.<br />

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Cau.: avanipa akani råmu pagu dhåre, dhari dh∂raju taba nayana ughåre.<br />

saciva° sa° bhåri råu bai¢håre, carana parata næpa råmu nihåre.1.<br />

lie saneha bikala ura lå∂, gai mani manahu° phanika phiri på∂.<br />

råmahi citai raheu naranåhµu, calå bilocana båri prabåhµu.2.<br />

soka bibasa kachu kahai na pårå, hædaya° lagåvata bårahiÚ bårå.<br />

bidhihi manåva råu mana måh∂°, jehiÚ raghunåtha na kånana jåh∂°.3.<br />

sumiri mahesahi kahai nihor∂, binat∂ sunahu sadåsiva mor∂.<br />

åsutoa tumha avaŒhara dån∂, årati harahu d∂na janu jån∂.4.<br />

Hearing that ›r∂ Råma had come, the king recovered himself and opened his eyes.<br />

The minister (Sumantra) helped his sovereign to a sitting posture, when the latter beheld<br />

Råma falling at his feet. Overwhelmed with emotion the king clasped Him to his bosom<br />

as though a serpent had regained its lost gem. The monarch kept gazing on ›r∂ Råma<br />

and a torrent of tears streamed forth from his eyes. Overpowered with grief he could not<br />

utter a word and pressed the prince to his heart again and again. He inwardly prayed to<br />

God that the Lord of Raghus (›r∂ Råma) might not be able to proceed to the woods.

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