Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

381<br />

ìNo more of jesting or anger, my darling; make a reasonable and thoughtful<br />

request, so that I may now regale my eyes on the sight of Bharataís installation on the<br />

throne.î (32)<br />

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Cau.: jiai m∂na baru båri bih∂nå, mani binu phaniku jiai dukha d∂nå.<br />

kahau° subhåu na chalu mana måh∂° , j∂vanu mora råma binu nåh∂°.1.<br />

samujhi dekhu jiya° priyå prab∂nå, j∂vanu råma darasa ådh∂nå.<br />

suni mædu bacana kumati ati jara∂, manahu° anala åhuti ghæta para∂.2.<br />

kahai karahu kina ko¢i upåyå, ihå° na lågihi råuri måyå.<br />

dehu ki lehu ajasu kari nåh∂°, mohi na bahuta prapa≈ca sohåh∂°.3.<br />

råmu sådhu tumha sådhu sayåne, råmamåtu bhali saba pahicåne.<br />

jasa kausilå° mora bhala tåkå, tasa phalu unhahi deu° kari såkå.4.<br />

ìA fish may rather survive even without water and a serpent may drag on a<br />

miserable and wretched existence without the gem in its head. But I tell you sincerely<br />

with a guileless heart that I cannot live without Råma. Be assured in your mind, my wise<br />

darling, that my very existence depends on the sight of ›r∂ Råma.î Hearing these soft<br />

words the evil-minded queen blazed up like the fire on which has fallen an oblation of<br />

clarified butter. She said, ìYou might as well try millions of devices; but your stratagem<br />

shall not avail with me. Either grant my request or earn a bad reputation by refusing it;<br />

I am not fond of much wiles. Råma is virtuous, you too are virtuous and wise and no less<br />

virtuous is Råmaís mother (Kausalyå); I have known all of you. I will repay with a<br />

vengeance the benefit she has sought to confer upon me.î (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó„UÙà ¬˝ÊÃÈ ◊ÈÁŸ’apple· œÁ⁄U ¡ı¥ Ÿ ⁄UÊ◊È ’Ÿ ¡Ê®„U–<br />

◊Ù⁄U ◊⁄UŸÈ ⁄UÊ©U⁄U •¡‚ ŸÎ¬ ‚◊ÈÁ¤Ê• ◊Ÿ ◊Ê®„UH 33H<br />

Do.: hota pråtu munibea dhari jau° na råmu bana jåhiÚ,<br />

mora maranu råura ajasa næpa samujhia mana måhiÚ.33.<br />

ìIf Råma does not retire to the woods assuming the garb of a hermit as soon as<br />

the day breaks, death for me and ill-repute for you will be the result; bear this in mind,<br />

O king.î (33)<br />

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