Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

375<br />

Do.: yaha suni mana guni sapatha baRi bihasi u¢h∂ matima≈da,<br />

bhµuana sajati biloki mægu manahu° kiråtini pha≈da.26.<br />

On hearing this and considering the great oath the dull-witted Kaikey∂ smilingly<br />

arose and began to put on her ornaments; it seemed as if a huntress was laying the trap<br />

at the sight of a deer. (26)<br />

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Cau.: puni kaha råu suhæda jiya° jån∂, prema pulaki mædu ma≈jula bån∂.<br />

bhåmini bhayau tora manabhåvå, ghara ghara nagara ana≈da badhåvå.1.<br />

råmahi deu° kåli jubaråjµu, sajahi sulocani ma≈gala såjµu.<br />

dalaki u¢heu suni hædau ka¢horµu, janu chui gayau påka baratorµu.2.<br />

aisiu p∂ra bihasi tehiÚ go∂, cora nåri jimi praga¢i na ro∂.<br />

lakhahiÚ na bhµupa kapa¢a caturå∂, ko¢i ku¢ila mani gurµu paRhå∂.3.<br />

jadyapi n∂ti nipuna naranåhµu, nåricarita jalanidhi avagåhµu.<br />

kapa¢a sanehu baRhåi bahor∂, bol∂ bihasi nayana muhu mor∂.4.<br />

Thinking her reconciled, the king spoke again in soft and winning accents his<br />

whole frame thrilling over with emotion, ìYour heartís desire, O good lady, is accomplished;<br />

every house in the city is a picture of joy and felicity. Tomorrow, I am installing Råma<br />

as the prince-regent; therefore, O bright-eyed dame, put on a festive garb.î The queenís<br />

heart, hard though it was, cracked at these words; it seemed as if a festering sore had<br />

been unwarily touched. Even such (heart-rending) agony was disguised by her under the<br />

cloak of a smile. Just as a thiefís wife does not openly weep (on seeing her husband<br />

suffer punishment lest she should be made to share his lot). The king was unable to<br />

detect her wily designs, tutored as she was by a teacher (Mantharå) who ranked<br />

foremost among millions of villains. Although the king was skilled in statesmanship, the<br />

ways of a woman are like an unfathomable ocean. Again, with a greater show of false<br />

affection she smilingly said with a graceful movement of her face and eyes: (1ó4)<br />

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ŒappleŸ ∑§„appleU„ÈU ’⁄UŒÊŸ ŒÈß Ãapple©U ¬Êflà ‚¢Œapple„ÈUH 27H<br />

Do.: mågu mågu pai kahahu piya kabahu° na dehu na lehu,<br />

dena kahehu baradåna dui teu påvata sa≈dehu.27.<br />

ìYou do repeat the word ëAsk, askí, but never actually give anything. You<br />

promised me a couple of boons; but I am yet doubtful about my getting them.î (27)

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