Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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sovereignty, she was betrayed by her wicked mind. There was a great flutter in the<br />

gynaeceum as well as in the city; nobody had any inkling of this evil design. (1ó4)<br />

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∞∑§ ¬˝Á’‚®„U ∞∑§ ÁŸª¸◊®„U ÷Ë⁄U ÷ͬ Œ⁄U’Ê⁄UH 23H<br />

Do.: pramudita pura nara nåri saba sajahiÚ suma≈galacåra,<br />

eka prabisahiÚ eka nirgamahiÚ bh∂ra bhµupa darabåra.23.<br />

In their ecstasy of joy all the citizens, both men and women, busied themselves<br />

with festive preparations and the entrance to the royal palace was flooded with a<br />

continuous stream of people going in and coming out. (23)<br />

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Cau.: båla sakhå suni hiya° haraåh∂°, mili dasa på°ca råma pahiÚ jåh∂°.<br />

prabhu ådarahiÚ premu pahicån∂, pµu° chahiÚ kusala khema mædu bån∂.1.<br />

phirahiÚ bhavana priya åyasu på∂, karata parasapara råma baRå∂.<br />

ko raghub∂ra sarisa sa≈sårå, s∂lu sanehu nibåhanihårå.2.<br />

jehiÚ jehiÚ joni karama basa bhramah∂°, taha° taha° ∂su deu yaha hamah∂° .<br />

sevaka hama svåm∂ siyanåhµu, hou nåta yaha ora nibåhµu.3.<br />

asa abhilåu nagara saba kåhµu, kaikayasutå hædaya° ati dåhµu.<br />

ko na kusa≈gati påi naså∂, rahai na n∂ca mate° caturå∂.4.<br />

Delighted at the news a few of ›r∂ Råmaís boy-companions called on Him in a<br />

body; and sensible of their affection the Lord received them kindly, and politely enquired<br />

after their health and welfare. After receiving the permission of their beloved friend they<br />

returned home speaking highly of Him to one another. ìIs there anyone in this world so<br />

amiable and constant in his affection as Råma? In whichever species we may be born<br />

from time to time as a result of our actions, may God grant us that S∂tåís spouse may<br />

be our lord and we his servants, and that this relation between us may continue till the<br />

end.î Everyone in the city cherished the same desire; but there was intense agony in<br />

Kaikey∂ís heart. Who is not ruined by evil company? Man loses his wit by following the<br />

counsel of vile men. (1ó4)<br />

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ªflŸÈ ÁŸ∆ÈU⁄UÃÊ ÁŸ∑§≈U Á∑§ÿ ¡ŸÈ œÁ⁄U Œapple„U ‚Ÿapple„°UH 24H<br />

Do.: så°jha samaya såna≈da næpu gayau kaika∂ geha°,<br />

gavanu ni¢huratå nika¢a kiya janu dhari deha saneha°.24.

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