Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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362 *<br />

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Clasping her feet again and again they exerted great pressure on her till she yielded and<br />

set out, considering the gods as mean-minded. She said to herself, ìThough their abode<br />

is on high, their doings are mean; they cannot see others prosperity.î Again, reflecting<br />

on the role she was destined to perform in the days to come, when worthy poets would<br />

seek her favour, she came with a cheerful heart to the capital of Da‹aratha like the<br />

intolerably evil influence of a planet. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: nåmu ma≈tharå ma≈damati cer∂ kaikai keri,<br />

ajasa pe¢år∂ tåhi kar∂ ga∂ girå mati pheri.12.<br />

Now Kaikey∂ (Bharataís mother) had a dull-witted servant-maid, Mantharå by<br />

name; having perverted her reason and making her a receptacle of ill-repute, the<br />

goddess of speech returned to her abode. (12)<br />

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Cau.: d∂kha ma≈tharå nagaru banåvå, ma≈jula ma≈gala båja badhåvå.<br />

pµuchesi loganha kåha uchåhµu, råma tilaku suni bhå ura dåhµu.1.<br />

karai bicåru kubuddhi kujåt∂, hoi akåju kavani bidhi råt∂.<br />

dekhi lågi madhu ku¢ila kiråt∂, jimi gava° takai leu° kehi bhå°t∂.2.<br />

bharata måtu pahiÚ gai bilakhån∂, kå anamani hasi kaha ha° si rån∂.<br />

µutaru dei na lei usåsµu, nåri carita kari Œhårai å° sµu.3.<br />

ha° si kaha råni gålu baRa tore°, d∂nha lakhana sikha asa mana more°.<br />

tabahu° na bola ceri baRi påpini, chåRai svåsa kåri janu så° pini.4.<br />

Mantharå saw the city decorated and festal music melodiously playing; she,<br />

therefore, asked the people, ìWhat is all this rejoicing about?î When she heard of ›r∂<br />

Råmaís coming installation, she felt distressed in her heart. That evil-minded and lowborn<br />

woman pondered how mischief might be created overnight, even as a wily Bh∂la<br />

woman who has seen a honeycomb hanging from a tree schemes how to get hold of<br />

the honey. Pulling a long face she approached Bharataís mother. ìWhat makes you<br />

look so grave?î the queen smilingly asked. She made no answer, but only heaved a<br />

deep sigh, and adopting the way of women shed crocodile tears. Said the queen<br />

laughing, ìYou are a most saucy girl; what I suspect, therefore, is that Lakmaƒa has<br />

taught you a lesson.î Even then the most wicked servant-maid would not speak and<br />

merely hissed like a cobra. (1ó4)

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