Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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råma karahu saba sa≈jama ajµu, jau° bidhi kusala nibåhai kåjµu.<br />

guru sikha dei råya pahiÚ gayaµu, råma hædaya° asa bisamau bhayaµu.2.<br />

janame eka sa≈ga saba bhå∂, bhojana sayana keli larikå∂.<br />

karanabedha upab∂ta biåhå, sa≈ga sa≈ga saba bhae uchåhå.3.<br />

bimala ba≈sa yahu anucita ekµu, ba≈dhu bihåi baRehi abhiekµu.<br />

prabhu saprema pachitåni suhå∂, harau bhagata mana kai ku¢ilå∂.4.<br />

Extolling ›r∂ Råmaís goodness, amiability and noble disposition, the lord of sages,<br />

Vasi¢ha, said, thrilling over with emotion, ìThe king has made preparations for the<br />

installation ceremony; he would invest You with regal powers. Råma, You should observe<br />

religious austerity today so that God may bring this affair to a happy conclusion.î Having<br />

admonished Him in this way the Guru returned to the king; while ›r∂ Råma felt uneasy in<br />

His heart and said to Himself, ìMy brothers and myself were all born together and together<br />

have we dined, slept and played in our childhood; the piercing of our ear-lobes, (one of the<br />

sixteen sacraments incumbent on a Hindu), our investiture with the sacred thread, wedding<br />

and all other ceremonies have been gone through together. The only unseemly practice in<br />

this spotless line is that the eldest should be installed on the throne to the exclusion of his<br />

younger brothers.î May this loving and graceful expression of regret on the part of the Lord<br />

drive away all suspicion from the mind of His devotees. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: tehi avasara åe lakhana magana prema åna≈da,<br />

sanamåne priya bacana kahi raghukula kairava ca≈da.10.<br />

On that very occasion came Lakmaƒa steeped in love and rapture; ›r∂ Råma,<br />

who delighted Raghuís race even as the moon delights a lily flower, greeted him with<br />

endearing words. (10)<br />

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Cau.: båjahiÚ båjane bibidh bidhånå, pura pramodu nahiÚ jåi bakhånå.<br />

bharata ågamanu sakala manåvahiÚ, åvahu° begi nayana phalu påvahiÚ.1.<br />

hå¢a bå¢a ghara gal∂° athå∂°, kahahiÚ parasapara loga logå∂°°.<br />

kåli lagana bhali ketika bårå, pµujihi bidhi abhilåu hamårå.2.<br />

kanaka si≈ghåsana s∂ya sametå, bai¢hahiÚ råmu hoi cita cetå.<br />

sakala kahahiÚ kaba hoihi kål∂, bighana manåvahiÚ deva kucål∂.3.<br />

tinhahi sohåi na avadha badhåvå, corahi ca≈dini råti na bhåvå.<br />

sårada boli binaya sura karah∂°, bårahiÚ båra påya lai parah∂°.4.

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