Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

335<br />

janu uchåha saba sahaja suhåe, tanu dhari dhari dasaratha gæha° chåe.<br />

dekhana hetu råma baideh∂, kahahu lålaså hohi na keh∂.2.<br />

jµutha jµutha mili cal∂° suåsini, nija chabi nidarahiÚ madana bilåsini.<br />

sakala suma≈gala saje° årat∂, gåvahiÚ janu bahu bea bhårat∂.3.<br />

bhµupati bhavana kolåhalu ho∂, jåi na barani samau sukhu so∂.<br />

kausalyådi råma mahatår∂°, premabibasa tana daså bisår∂°.4.<br />

The king's palace looked very charming on that occasion; its decoration captivated<br />

the heart of Cupid himself. It looked as if auspicious omens and loveliness; affluence<br />

and mystic powers, joys and smiling prosperity and all kinds of rejoicings had assumed<br />

a naturally beautiful form and taken their abode in the palace of King Da‹aratha. Tell me<br />

who would not feel tempted to have a look at ›r∂ Råma and Videha's Daughter? Married<br />

women, whose husbands were alive, sallied forth in troops, each eclipsing Love's<br />

consort (Rati) by her beauty. They all carried articles of good omen and were equipped<br />

with lights for waving round the bridegrooms. As they moved along singing all the way,<br />

it appeared as if Goddess Bhårat∂ (the goddess of speech) had appeared in so many<br />

forms. The king's palace was full of hilarious tumult; the joy of the occasion was ineffable.<br />

Kausalyå and other mothers of ›r∂ Råma were so overwhelmed with emotion that they<br />

forgot their own body. (1ó4)<br />

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¬˝◊ÈÁŒÃ ¬⁄U◊ ŒÁ⁄Uº˝ ¡ŸÈ ¬Êß ¬ŒÊ⁄UÕ øÊÁ⁄UH 345H<br />

Do.: die dåna bipranha bipula pµuji ganesa puråri,<br />

pramudita parama daridra janu påi padåratha cåri.345.<br />

After worshipping Lord Gaƒe‹a and the Slayer of the demon Tripura, they<br />

bestowed enormous gifts upon the Bråhmaƒas and were supremely delighted as an<br />

utterly indigent man who had attained the four great prizes of life. (345)<br />

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Cau.: moda pramoda bibasa saba måtå, calahiÚ na carana sithila bhae gåtå.<br />

råma darasa hita ati anuråg∂°, parichani såju sajana saba låg∂°.1.<br />

bibidha bidhåna båjane båje, ma≈gala mudita sumitrå° såje.<br />

harada dµuba dadhi pallava phµulå, påna pµugaphala ma≈gala mµulå.2.<br />

acchata a≈kura locana låjå, ma≈jula ma≈jari tulasi biråjå.<br />

chuhe pura¢a gha¢a sahaja suhåe, madana sakuna janu n∂Ra banåe.3.<br />

saguna suga≈dha na jåhiÚ bakhån∂, ma≈gala sakala sajahiÚ saba rån∂.<br />

rac∂° årat∂° bahµuta bidhånå, mudita karahiÚ kala ma≈gala gånå.4.

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