Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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312 *<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />


bara kua° ri karatala jori såkhocåru dou kulagura karaiÚ,<br />

bhayo pånigahanu biloki bidhi sura manuja muni åna°da bharaiÚ.<br />

sukhamµula dµulahu dekhi da≈pati pulaka tana hulasyo hiyo,<br />

kari loka beda bidhånu kanyådånu næpabhµuana kiyo.3.<br />

himava≈ta jimi girijå mahesahi harihi ‹r∂ sågara da∂,<br />

timi janaka råmahi siya samarap∂ bisva kala k∂rati na∂.<br />

kyo° karai binaya bidehu kiyo bidehu mµurati såva° r∂°,<br />

kari homu bidhivata gå°¢hi jor∂ hona låg∂° bhåva° r∂°.4.<br />

They began to love ›r∂ Råma's lotus-feet; their whole frame was thrilled with<br />

emotion. The sounds of singing and kettledrums and shouts of victory in the heavens as<br />

well as in the city overflowed as it were in all direction . The lotus-feet that ever sparkle<br />

in the lake of ›iva's bosom, by thinking of which even for once the mind gets purified<br />

and all the impurities of the Kali age are driven away, by whose touch the sage<br />

Gautama's wife, who was full of sin, attained salvation, whose nectar in the form of the<br />

river Ga∆gå adorns ›ambhuís head and is declared by the gods as the holiest of the<br />

holy, and by resorting to which with their bee-like minds sages and mystics attain the<br />

goal of their liking, it is those very feet that the most lucky Janaka washed amidst shouts<br />

of victory from all corners. Joining the palms of the Bride and the Bridegroom, both the<br />

family priests recited the genealogy of the two families; and perceiving that the<br />

Bridegroom had accepted the Bride's hand, Brahmå and the other divinities as well as<br />

men and sages were filled with delight. As the king and queen gazed on the Bridegroom,<br />

who was the very fountain of joy, the hair on their body stood erect, while their heart was<br />

filled with rapture. And having gone through all the rites sanctioned either by the Vedas<br />

or by family usage, the glorious King Janaka gave his Daughter to the Bridegroom. As<br />

Himavån gave away Girijå to the great Lord ›iva, and the deity presiding over seas<br />

bestowed ›r∂ on Hari, so did Janaka give S∂tå to Råma and thereby earned fair renown<br />

of an unprecedented character. King Videha (Janaka) was unable to make any supplication,<br />

since that Prince (›r∂ Råma) of swarthy complexion had justified his name (Videha) by<br />

making him forget everything about his body. When oblations had been offered to the<br />

sacred fire with due rite, the ends of garments of the Bride and the Bridegroom were tied<br />

together (as a token of their indissoluble union) and the couple began to circumambulate<br />

the fire (in order to show that the two had been united in the presence of the fire-god as<br />

a witness). (1ó4)<br />

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‚ÈÁŸ „U⁄U·®„U ’⁄U·®„U Á’’Èœ ‚È⁄UÃL§ ‚È◊Ÿ ‚È¡ÊŸH 324H<br />

Do.: jaya dhuni ba≈d∂ beda dhuni ma≈gala gåna nisåna,<br />

suni haraahiÚ baraahiÚ bibudha surataru sumana sujåna.324.<br />

At the sound of the huzzas, the praises sung by the bards, the recitation of the<br />

Vedic texts, the din of the festal songs and the beating of kettledrums the wise immortals<br />

rejoiced and rained down flowers from the trees of paradise. (324)<br />

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