Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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14 *<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />


karana cahau° raghupati guna gåhå, laghu mati mori carita avagåhå.<br />

sµujha na ekau a≈ga upåµu, mana mati ra≈ka manoratha råµu.3.<br />

mati ati n∂ca µu° ci ruci åch∂, cahia amia jaga jurai na chåch∂.<br />

chamihahiÚ sajjana mori Œhi¢hå∂, sunihahiÚ bålabacana mana lå∂.4.<br />

jau° bålaka kaha totari båtå, sunahiÚ mudita mana pitu aru måtå.<br />

ha° sihahiÚ kµµura ku¢ila kubicår∂, je para dµuana bhµuanadhår∂.5.<br />

nija kabitta kehi låga na n∂kå, sarasa hou athavå ati ph∂kå.<br />

je para bhaniti sunata haraåh∂° , te bara purua bahuta jaga nåh∂°.6.<br />

jaga bahu nara sara sari sama bhå∂, je nija båRhi baRhahiÚ jala på∂.<br />

sajjana sakæta si≈dhu sama ko∂, dekhi pµura bidhu båRhai jo∂.7.<br />

Eight million and four hundred thousand* species of living beings, classified under<br />

four broad divisions, inhabit land, water and the air. Recognizing the entire creation as<br />

full of S∂tå and Råma, I make obeisance to them with joined palms. Knowing me as your<br />

servant, be genuinely gracious to me all of you, O mines of compassion. I have no<br />

confidence in my intellectual power, hence I supplicate you all. I would recount the<br />

virtues of the Lord of Raghus,† ›r∂ Råma; but my wits are poor, whereas the exploits<br />

of ›r∂ Råma are unfathomable. For this I find not the least resources, while I am bankrupt<br />

of mind and intellect, my ambition is right royal. Even though my intellect is exceedingly<br />

mean, my aspiration is pitched too high; while I crave for nectar, I have no means in this<br />

world to procure even butter-milk. The virtuous will forgive my presumption and listen to<br />

my childish babbling with interest. When a child prattles in lisping accents, the parents<br />

hear it with a mind full of delight. Those, however, who are hard-hearted, mischievous<br />

and perverse and cherish othersí faults as an ornament, will feel amused. Who does not<br />

like oneís own poetry, be it delightful or exceedingly insipid? Such good people as delight<br />

to hear othersí composition are rare in this world. The world abounds in men who<br />

resemble lakes and rivers, that get swollen with their own rise when waters are added<br />

to them. There is some rare good soul like the ocean, which swells at the sight of the<br />

full moon. (1ó7)<br />

ŒÊapple0ó÷ʪ ¿UÙ≈U •Á÷‹Ê·È ’«∏U ∑§⁄U©°U ∞∑§ Á’SflÊ‚–<br />

¬Ò„U®„U ‚Èπ ‚ÈÁŸ ‚È¡Ÿ ‚’ π‹ ∑§Á⁄U„U®„U ©U¬„UÊ‚H 8H<br />

Do.: bhåga cho¢a abhilåu baRa karau° eka bisvåsa,<br />

paihahiÚ sukha suni sujana saba khala karihahiÚ upahåsa.8.<br />

Humble is my lot and my ambition high; my only hope is that all good men will be<br />

gratified to hear what I say, while the evil-minded will laugh. (8)<br />

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* The number of species of living beings has been categorically fixed in Hindu scriptures as<br />

eighty-four lakhs. The four broad divisions are: (1) Jaråyuja (viviparous, such as men and beasts), (2)<br />

AƒŒaja (oviparous), (3) Svedaja (born of sweat, such as lice, bugs etc.,) and (4) Udbhijja (sprouting from<br />

the soil, viz., plants).<br />

† King Raghu was a forbear of ›r∂ Råma. His descendants bore the name of Raghus. Having been the<br />

head of the clan after His father, Da‹aratha, He is aptly called the Lord of the Raghus.

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