Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cha≈.:upamå na kou kaha dåsa tulas∂ katahu° kabi kobida kahaiÚ,<br />

bala binaya bidyå s∂la sobhå si≈dhu inha se ei ahaiÚ.<br />

pura nåri sakala pasåri a≈cala bidhihi bacana sunåvah∂°,<br />

byåhiahu° cåriu bhåi ehiÚ pura hama suma≈gala gåvah∂°.<br />

Says Tulas∂dåsa: ìThey have no comparison anywhere, so declare the poets and<br />

wise men. Oceans of strength, modesty, learning, amiability and beauty, they are their<br />

own Compeers.î Spreading out the skirt of their garment (as a beggar would while asking<br />

for alms) all the women of the city made entreaties to the Creator, ìMay all the four<br />

brothers be married in this city and may we sing charming nuptial songs!î<br />

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So.: kahahiÚ paraspara nåri båri bilocana pulaka tana,<br />

sakhi sabu karaba puråri punya payonidhi bhµupa dou.311.<br />

Said the damsels to one another, with tears in their eyes and the hair on their body<br />

standing erect, ìFriends, the Slayer of the demon Tripura will accomplish everything: the<br />

two kings are of such boundless merit.î (311)<br />

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Cau.: ehi bidhi sakala manoratha karah∂°, åna°da umagi umagi ura bharah∂°.<br />

je næpa s∂ya svaya≈bara åe, dekhi ba≈dhu saba tinha sukha påe.1.<br />

kahata råma jasu bisada bisålå, nija nija bhavana gae mahipålå.<br />

gae b∂ti kachu dina ehi bhå° t∂, pramudita purajana sakala baråt∂.2.<br />

ma≈gala mµula lagana dinu åvå, hima ritu agahanu måsu suhåvå.<br />

graha tithi nakhatu jogu bara bårµu, lagana sodhi bidhi k∂nha bicårµu.3.<br />

pa¢hai d∂nhi nårada sana so∂, gan∂ janaka ke ganakanha jo∂.<br />

sun∂ sakala loganha yaha båtå, kahahiÚ joti∂ åhiÚ bidhåtå.4.<br />

In this way they all prayed and a flood of joy inundated their heart. The princes<br />

who had come as S∂tåís suitors rejoiced to see the four brothers and returned each to his<br />

own home extolling ›r∂ Råmaís widespread and spotless fame. Thus a few days elapsed<br />

to the delight alike of the citizens and all the members of the bridegroomís party. At length<br />

the blessed day of wedding arrived; it was the delightful month of Mårga‹∂ra and the<br />

beginning of the cold season. Having carefully examined and determined the propitious<br />

nature of the planets, date, asterism, the conjunction of the stars, the day of the week<br />

and the hour of the wedding the Creator despatched the note concerning the hour of the

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