Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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294 *<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />


ends of human endeavour, viz., riches, religious merit etc. The people of the city were<br />

delighted beyond measure to see King Da‹aratha with his sons. The gods rained down<br />

flowers and beat their drums; the nymphs of heaven danced and sang. ›atånanda (King<br />

Janakaís family preceptor) and the other Bråhmaƒas and ministers of State, as well as<br />

the genealogists, minstrels, jesters and rhapsodists, who formed the deputation, paid due<br />

honour to the king and his party and returned with their permission. The bridegroomís<br />

party had arrived earlier than the day fixed for the wedding: there was great rejoicing in<br />

the city on this account . Everyone enjoyed transcendent bliss and prayed to the Creator<br />

that the days and nights might be lengthened. (1ó4)<br />

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¡„°U Ä°U ¬È⁄U¡Ÿ ∑§„U®„U •‚ Á◊Á‹ Ÿ⁄U ŸÊÁ⁄U ‚◊Ê¡H 309H<br />

Do.: råmu s∂ya sobhå avadhi sukæta avadhi dou råja,<br />

jaha° taha° purajana kahahiÚ asa mili nara nåri samåja.309.<br />

ìRåma and S∂tå are the perfection of beauty, and the two kings (Da‹aratha and<br />

Janaka) the perfection of virtue!î Thus would observe the men and women of the city<br />

wherever they happened to meetî. (309)<br />

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Cau.: janaka sukæta mµurati baideh∂, dasaratha sukæta råmu dhare° deh∂.<br />

inha sama kåhu° na siva avarådhe, kåhu° na inha samåna bhala lådhe.1.<br />

inha sama kou na bhayau jaga måh∂°, hai nahiÚ katahµu° honeu nåh∂°.<br />

hama saba sakala sukæta kai rås∂, bhae jaga janami janakapura bås∂.2.<br />

jinha jånak∂ råma chabi dekh∂, ko sukæt∂ hama sarisa bise∂.<br />

puni dekhaba raghub∂ra biåhµu, leba bhal∂ bidhi locana låhµu.3.<br />

kahahiÚ parasapara kokilabayan∂°, ehi biåha° baRa låbhu sunayan∂°.<br />

baRe° bhåga bidhi båta banå∂, nayana atithi hoihahiÚ dou bhå∂.4.<br />

ìVaideh∂ (S∂tå) is the incarnation of Janakaís merit, and Råma is Da‹arathaís<br />

virtue personified. No one has worshipped ›iva with such devotion as these two kings,<br />

nor has anyone obtained such a reward as they have. No one has equalled them in<br />

this world, nor is there anyone to equal them anywhere nor shall be. We are all<br />

storehouses of all kinds of merits in that we have been born in this world as residents<br />

of Janakaís capital. Who is so highly blessed as we, who have beheld the beauty of<br />

Jånak∂ (S∂tå) and Råma? And we will witness ›r∂ Råmaís wedding and shall thereby<br />

richly reap the benefit of our eyes.î Damsels with voice as sweet as the notes of the<br />

cuckoo whispered to one another, ìO bright-eyed friends, we shall gain much by this

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