Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

293<br />

puni basi¢ha pada sira tinha nåe, prema mudita munibara ura låe.<br />

bipra bæ≈da ba≈de duhu° bhå∂°, manabhåvat∂ as∂se° på∂°.3.<br />

bharata sahånuja k∂nha pranåmå, lie u¢håi låi ura råmå.<br />

harae lakhana dekhi dou bhråtå, mile prema paripµurita gåtå.4.<br />

The king prostrated himself before the sage, placing the dust of the latterís feet on<br />

his head again and again. Kau‹ika pressed the king to his bosom, blessed him and<br />

inquired after his welfare. When King Da‹aratha saw the two brothers prostrating<br />

themselves, he could not contain himself for joy. Pressing the boys to his bosom he<br />

allayed the unbearable pangs of separation and looked like a dead body restored to life.<br />

Råma and Lakmaƒa then bowed their head at Vasi¢haís feet and the great sage<br />

embraced them in the ecstasy of love. The two brothers next saluted all the Bråhmaƒas<br />

and in turn received their welcome blessings. Bharata and his younger half-brother<br />

(›atrughna) greeted Råma, who lifted them and embraced them. Lakmaƒa rejoiced to<br />

see the two brothers (Bharata and ›atrughna) and as he embraced them his limbs were<br />

throbbing with emotion. (1ó4)<br />

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Á◊‹apple ¡ÕÊÁ’Áœ ‚’Á„U ¬˝÷È ¬⁄U◊ ∑Χ¬Ê‹ Á’ŸËÃH 308H<br />

Do.: purajana parijana jåtijana jåcaka ma≈tr∂ m∂ta,<br />

mile jathåbidhi sabahi prabhu parama kæpåla bin∂ta.308.<br />

The most gracious and unassuming Lord greeted everyone else including the<br />

citizens, attendants, kinsmen, beggars, ministers and friends in a manner befitting the<br />

rank of each. (308)<br />

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Cau.: råmahi dekhi baråta juRån∂, pr∂ti ki r∂ti na jåti bakhån∂.<br />

næpa sam∂pa sohahiÚ suta cår∂, janu dhana dharamådika tanudhår∂.1.<br />

sutanha sameta dasarathahi dekh∂, mudita nagara nara nåri bise∂.<br />

sumana barisi sura hanahiÚ nisånå, nåkana¢∂° nåcahiÚ kari gånå.2.<br />

satåna≈da aru bipra saciva gana, mågadha sµuta bidua ba≈d∂jana.<br />

sahita baråta råu sanamånå, åyasu mågi phire agavånå.3.<br />

prathama baråta lagana te° å∂, tåte° pura pramodu adhikå∂.<br />

brahmåna≈du loga saba lahah∂°, baRhahu° divasa nisi bidhi sana kahah∂°.4.<br />

The sight of ›r∂ Råma was so soothing to the guests; the ways of love are beyond<br />

description. Beside the king his four sons looked like incarnations as it were of the four

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