Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

291<br />

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Cau.: barai sumana sura su≈dari gåvahiÚ, mudita deva du≈dubh∂° bajåvahiÚ.<br />

bastu sakala råkh∂° næpa åge° , binaya k∂nhi tinha ati anuråge°.1.<br />

prema sameta råya° sabu l∂nhå, bhai bakas∂sa jåcakanhi d∂nhå.<br />

kari pµujå månyatå baRå∂, janavåse kahu° cale lavå∂.2.<br />

basana bicitra på° vaRe parah∂°, dekhi dhanadu dhana madu pariharah∂°.<br />

ati su≈dara d∂nheu janavåså, jaha° saba kahu° saba bhå° ti supåså.3.<br />

jån∂ siya° baråta pura å∂, kachu nija mahimå praga¢i janå∂.<br />

hædaya° sumiri saba siddhi bolå∂°, bhµupa pahuna∂ karana pa¢hå∂°.4.<br />

Celestial damsels rained down flowers and sang, while the glad gods sounded<br />

kettledrums. The members of the deputation placed all the offerings before King<br />

Da‹aratha and supplicated him with an affectionate address. The king lovingly accepted<br />

everything and distributed the offerings as presents among his own people, or<br />

bestowed them as alms on the beggars. After due homage, reverence and courtesy<br />

the deputation conducted the bridegroomís party to the lodgings set apart for them.<br />

Gorgeous cloths were spread as carpets for the royal guests to tread upon, on seeing<br />

which Kubera (the god of wealth) was no longer proud of his wealth. Magnificent were<br />

the quarters assigned to the bridegroomís party, which provided every kind of comfort<br />

for each guest. When S∂tå learnt that the bridegroomís party had arrived in the city, She<br />

manifested Her glory to a certain extent. By Her very thought She summoned all the<br />

Siddhis (miraculous powers personified) and despatched them to wait upon the king<br />

and his party. (1ó4)<br />

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Á‹∞° ‚¢¬ŒÊ ‚∑§‹ ‚Èπ ‚È⁄U¬È⁄U ÷Ùª Á’‹Ê‚H 306H<br />

Do. : sidhi saba siya åyasu akani ga∂° jahå° janavåsa,<br />

lie° sa≈padå sakala sukha surapura bhoga bilåsa.306.<br />

Hearing S∂tåís command they repaired to the guestsí apartments, taking with them<br />

every kind of riches, comforts as well as the enjoyments and luxuries of heaven. (306)<br />

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