Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

277<br />

spheres* appeared of small account. The prosperity that reigned in the house of the<br />

humblest citizen was enough to fascinate even the lord of celestials. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: basai nagara jehiÚ lacchi kari kapa¢a nåri bara beu,<br />

tehi pura kai sobhå kahata sakucahiÚ sårada seu.289.<br />

The magnificence of the city wherein dwelt Goddess Lakm∂ in the charming<br />

disguise of a mortal woman made even ›åradå (the goddess of eloquence) and (the<br />

thousand-tongued) ›ea falter in describing it. (289)<br />

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Cau.: pahu° ce dµuta råma pura påvana, harae nagara biloki suhåvana.<br />

bhµupa dvåra tinha khabari janå∂, dasaratha næpa suni lie bolå∂.1.<br />

kari pranåmu tinha påt∂ d∂nh∂, mudita mah∂pa åpu u¢hi l∂nh∂.<br />

båri bilocana bå°cata påt∂, pulaka gåta å∂ bhari chåt∂.2.<br />

råmu lakhanu ura kara bara c∂¢h∂, rahi gae kahata na khå¢∂ m∂¢h∂.<br />

puni dhari dh∂ra patrikå bå° c∂, hara∂ sabhå båta suni så° c∂.3.<br />

khelata rahe tahå° sudhi på∂, åe bharatu sahita hita bhå∂.<br />

pµuchata ati saneha° sakucå∂, tåta kahå° te° påt∂ å∂.4.<br />

Janakaís messengers arrived at ›r∂ Råmaís sacred birth-place and rejoiced to<br />

behold the charming city. They sent in word at the entrance of the royal palace; hearing<br />

of their arrival King Da‹aratha summoned them to his presence. With due reverence they<br />

delivered the letter; and the king in his joy rose to receive it in person. As he read the<br />

letter, tears rushed to his eyes; the hair on his body stood erect and his heart was full.<br />

With Råma and Lakmaƒa in his heart and the valuable letter in his hand, he remained<br />

mute and could not utter a word, either good or bad. Then recovering himself, he read<br />

out the letter, and the court rejoiced to hear the authentic news. Obtaining the news at<br />

the very spot where he had been playing about Bharata came with his playmates and<br />

brother (›atrughna), and with the utmost modesty and affection asked,ìFather,where has<br />

the letter come from?î (1ó4)<br />

* According to Hindu scriptures the universe is divided into fourteen spheres, seven higher and seven<br />

lower. In their ascending order the seven higher spheres are named as Bhµu¨, Bhuva¨, Sva¨, Maha¨, Jana¨,<br />

Tapa¨ and Satyam; while the lower seven are in their descending order named as Atala, Vitala, Sutala,<br />

Talåtala, Mahåtala, Rasåtala and Påtåla.

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