Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

271<br />

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’Ù‹apple ÷ΪȬÁà ‚L§· „UÁ‚ ÄͰU ’¢œÈ ‚◊ ’Ê◊H 282H<br />

Do.: båra båra muni biprabara kahå råma sana råma,<br />

bole bhægupati sarua hasi tahµu° ba≈dhu sama båma.282.<br />

Again and again did Råma address His namesake as a sage and as a great<br />

Bråhmaƒa, till the chief of Bhægus exclaimed in his fury, ìYou are as perverse as your<br />

younger brother!î (282)<br />

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Cau.: nipa¢ahiÚ dvija kari jånahi moh∂, maiÚ jasa bipra sunåvau° toh∂.<br />

cåpa sruvå sara åhuti jånµu, kopu mora ati ghora kæsånµu.1.<br />

samidhi sena catura≈ga suhå∂, mahå mah∂pa bhae pasu å∂.<br />

maiÚ ehiÚ parasu kå¢i bali d∂nhe, samara jagya japa ko¢inha k∂nhe.2.<br />

mora prabhåu bidita nahiÚ tore°, bolasi nidari bipra ke bhore°.<br />

bha≈jeu cåpu dåpu baRa båRhå, ahamiti manahu° j∂ti jagu ¢håRhå.3.<br />

råma kahå muni kahahu bicår∂, risa ati baRi laghu cµuka hamår∂.<br />

chuatahiÚ ¢µu¢a pinåka purånå, maiÚ kehi hetu karau° abhimånå.4.<br />

ìYou know me to be a mere Bråhmaƒa; I tell you what kind of a Bråhmaƒa I am.<br />

Know that the bow is my sacrificial ladle, the arrows my oblation and my wrath, the blazing<br />

fire; the brilliant fourfold forces (consisting of the horse, the elephant, the chariots and footsoldiers)<br />

are the fuel; and mighty princes have served as victims, whom I have cut to<br />

pieces with this very axe and offered as sacrifice. In this way I have performed millions of<br />

sacrifices in the shape of armed conflicts, accompanied by the muttering of sacred formulas<br />

in the shape of war-cries. My glory is not known to you; that is why you address me in<br />

contemptuous terms mistaking me for a mere Bråhmaƒa. Since you have broken the bow,<br />

your arrogance has transgressed all limits; in your self-esteem you stand as if you have<br />

conquered the whole world.î Said Råma, ìO sage, think before you speak; your anger is<br />

out of all proportions with my error, which is a trifling one. Worn out as it was, the bow broke<br />

at my mere touch. What reason have I to be proud?î (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó¡ı¥ „U◊ ÁŸŒ⁄U®„U Á’¬˝ ’ÁŒ ‚àÿ ‚ÈŸ„ÈU ÷ΪȟÊÕ–<br />

Ãı •‚ ∑§Ù ¡ª ‚È÷≈ÈU ¡appleÁ„U ÷ÿ ’‚ ŸÊfl®„U ◊ÊÕH 283H<br />

Do.: jau° hama nidarahiÚ bipra badi satya sunahu bhægunåtha,<br />

tau asa ko jaga subha¢u jehi bhaya basa nåvahiÚ måtha.283.<br />

ìHear the truth, O lord of the Bhægus; if, as you say, I treat you with disrespect

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