Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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10 *<br />

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Do.: bhalo bhalåihi pai lahai lahai nicåihi n∂cu,<br />

sudhå saråhia amaratå°<br />

garala saråhia m∂cu.5.<br />

Of course, a good man has a bias for goodness alone, while a vile person is prone<br />

to vileness. While nectar is praised for its immortalizing virtue, poison is extolled for its<br />

deadly effects. (5)<br />

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Cau.: khala agha aguna sådhu guna gåhå, ubhaya apåra udadhi avagåhå.<br />

tehi te° kachu guna doa bakhåne, sa≈graha tyåga na binu pahicåne.1.<br />

bhaleu poca saba bidhi upajåe, gani guna doa beda bilagåe.<br />

kahahiÚ beda itihåsa purånå, bidhi prapa≈cu guna avaguna sånå.2.<br />

dukha sukha påpa punya dina råt∂, sådhu asådhu sujåti kujåt∂.<br />

dånava deva µu°ca aru n∂cµu, amia suj∂vanu måhuru m∂cµu.3.<br />

måyå brahma j∂va jagad∂så, lacchi alacchi ra≈ka avan∂så.<br />

kås∂ maga surasari kramanåså, maru mårava mahideva gavåså.4.<br />

saraga naraka anuråga birågå, nigamågama guna doa bibhågå.5.<br />

The tales of sins and vices of the wicked, on the one hand, and of the virtues of the<br />

virtuous, on the other, are like boundless and unfathomable oceans. That is why I have<br />

enumerated only a few virtues and vices; for they cannot be acquired or discarded without<br />

being duly distinguished. The good as well as the vile, all have been brought into being by<br />

the Creator; it is the Vedas that have differentiated them by reckoning the merits of the<br />

former class and the demerits of the other. The Vedas, the Itihåsas (such as the Råmåyaƒa<br />

and the Mahåbhårata) and the Puråƒas unanimously declare that the creation of Brahmå<br />

(the Creator) is an intermixture of good and evil. It is characterized by pairs of opposites<br />

such as pain and pleasure, sin and merit, day and night, the good and the wicked, good<br />

birth and vile birth, demons and gods, the high and the low, nectar and poison, a happy life<br />

and death, Måyå and Brahma, i.e., Matter and Spirit, the soul and God (the Lord of the<br />

universe), plenty and poverty, the pauper and the king, the sacred Kå‹∂ or Våråƒas∂ and<br />

Magadha or North Bihar (the accursed land), the holy Ga∆gå the river of the celestialsó<br />

and the unholy Karmanå‹å* (in Bihar), the desert land of Måravåra (Western Råjapµutånå<br />

and Sindha) and the rich soil of Målavå, the Bråhmaƒaówho is a veritable god on earthó<br />

and the barbarian who feeds on the cow, heaven and hell, attachment and dispassion. The<br />

Vedas and other sacred books have sifted good from evil. (1ó5)<br />

* A river of sinful origin in Bihar, a plunge in whose waters is said to destroy oneís religious merits.<br />

Hence it is called Karmanå‹å (that which neutralizes oneís meritorious acts).

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