Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

257<br />

Then, as they looked on S∂tå, a few princes were filled with longing for her; those<br />

wicked, degenerate fools grew indignant. Rising from their seats one after another and<br />

donning their armour the wretches began to brag about. Someone said, ìCarry off S∂tå<br />

by force and capturing the two princes hold them in bondage. No purpose will be served<br />

by merely breaking the bow; for who shall marry the princess while we still live? Should<br />

Janaka come forward to help them, rout him in battle alongwith the two brothers.î When<br />

the good kings heard these words, they said, ìShame itself feels shy in approaching this<br />

assembly of princes. Your might, glory, valour, fame and honour have been shattered<br />

alongwith the bow. Is it the same valour of which you are boasting, or have you since<br />

acquired it anew from somewhere else? It is because such is your mentality that God<br />

has blackened your faces.î (1ó4)<br />

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‹πŸ ⁄UÙ·È ¬Êfl∑ȧ ¬˝’‹ ¡ÊÁŸ ‚‹÷ ¡ÁŸ „UÙ„ÈUH 266H<br />

Do.: dekhahu råmahi nayana bhari taji iriå madu kohu,<br />

lakhana rou påvaku prabala jåni salabha jani hohu.266.<br />

ìGiving up jealousy, arrogance and anger, therefore, feast your eyes upon Råma;<br />

and knowing Lakmaƒaís wrath to be a blazing fire, do not allow yourselves to be<br />

consumed by it like a moth.î (266)<br />

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Cau.: bainateya bali jimi caha kågµu, jimi sasu cahai någa ari bhågµu.<br />

jimi caha kusala akårana koh∂, saba sa≈padå cahai sivadroh∂.1.<br />

lobh∂ lolupa kala k∂rati caha∂, akala≈katå ki kåm∂ laha∂.<br />

hari pada bimukha parama gati cåhå, tasa tumhåra lålacu naranåhå.2.<br />

kolåhalu suni s∂ya sakån∂, sakh∂° lavåi ga∂° jaha° rån∂.<br />

råmu subhåya° cale guru påh∂° , s∂ya sanehu baranata mana måh∂°.3.<br />

råninha sahita socabasa s∂yå, aba dhau° bidhihi kåha karan∂yå.<br />

bhµupa bacana suni ita uta takah∂°, lakhanu råma Œara boli na sakah∂°.4.<br />

ìAs a crow should seek an offering set apart for GaruŒa (the king of birds), as a<br />

rabbit should covet the share of a lion, as a man who is angry without any cause should<br />

expect happiness, as an enemy of ›iva should crave for riches of all kinds, as a greedy<br />

and covetous man should long for good fame and as a gallant should aspire to be free<br />

from scandal, and as one who is averse to ›r∂ Hariís feet should hanker after the highest<br />

destiny (Liberation), your longing, O princes, (for S∂tå) is of the same category.î When<br />

S∂tå heard the tumult, She got afraid and Her companions took Her to the queen; while

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