Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

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Do.: dekhi dekhi raghub∂ra tana sura manåva dhari dh∂ra,<br />

bhare bilocana prema jala pulakåval∂ sar∂ra.257.<br />

Gazing repeatedly on the person of ›r∂ Råma and summoning courage S∂tå<br />

prayed to gods. Her eyes were filled with tears of love and the hair on Her body stood<br />

on their end. (257)<br />

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Cau.: n∂ke° nirakhi nayana bhari sobhå, pitu panu sumiri bahuri manu chobhå.<br />

ahaha tåta dåruni ha¢ha ¢hån∂, samujhata nahiÚ kachu låbhu na hån∂.1.<br />

saciva sabhaya sikha dei na ko∂, budha samåja baRa anucita ho∂.<br />

kaha° dhanu kulisahu cåhi ka¢horå, kaha° syåmala mædugåta kisorå.2.<br />

bidhi kehi bhå° ti dharau° ura dh∂rå, sirasa sumana kana bedhia h∂rå.<br />

sakala sabhå kai mati bhai bhor∂, aba mohi sa≈bhucåpa gati tor∂.3.<br />

nija jaRatå loganha para Œår∂, hohi harua raghupatihi nihår∂.<br />

ati paritåpa s∂ya mana måh∂°, lava nimea juga saya sama jåh∂°.4.<br />

She feasted Her eyes to their fill on ›r∂ Råmaís beauty; but then the thought of Her<br />

fatherís vow agitated Her mind. She said to Herself.î Alas, my father has made a terrible<br />

resolve having no regard to good or evil consequences. The ministers are afraid; therefore<br />

none of them gives him good counsel. It is all the more pity that it should be so in a<br />

conclave of wise men. While on this side stands the bow harder than adamant, on the<br />

other side we find that dark-complexioned prince of delicate frame and tender age. How<br />

then, O god, can I maintain my balance of mind? Is a diamond ever pierced with the<br />

pointed end of a ›ir∂a flower? The sense of the whole assembly has become dull; hence<br />

my only hope now lies in you, O ›ambhuís bow. Imparting your heaviness to the assembly<br />

grow light yourself at the sight of (in proportion to the size of) ›r∂ Råma.î S∂tå felt much<br />

agitated at heart; an instant hung heavy on Her as a hundred Yugas. (1ó4)<br />

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πapple‹Ã ◊ŸÁ‚¡ ◊ËŸ ¡Èª ¡ŸÈ Á’œÈ ◊¢«U‹ «UÙ‹H 258H<br />

Do.: prabhuhi citai puni citava mahi råjata locana lola,<br />

khelata manasija m∂na juga janu bidhu ma≈Œala Œola.258.

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