Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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248 *<br />

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not even touch the bow and that all other kings were worsted in spite of all their boasts,<br />

strange that he should give the same bow into the hands of this young prince; can cygnets<br />

ever lift Mount Mandara? Good sense has taken leave of the king; and one does not know<br />

the dispensation of Providence, dear ones,î One of her sharp-witted companions gently replied,<br />

ìThe glorious are not to be lightly regarded, O queen. What comparison is there between<br />

the sage Agastya, who was born of a jar, and the vast ocean? Yet the sage drained it dry,<br />

and his good fame has spread throughout the world. The orb of the sun is so small to look<br />

at, but the moment is rises the darkness of all the three worlds disappears. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: ma≈tra parama laghu jåsu basa bidhi hari hara sura sarba,<br />

mahåmatta gajaråja kahu° basa kara a≈kusa kharba.256.<br />

ìA sacred formula, indeed, is very small, although it has under its sway Brahmå,<br />

Hari, Hara and all other gods. A tiny goad governs the mightiest and most furious<br />

elephant.î (256)<br />

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Cau.: kåma kusuma dhanu såyaka l∂nhe, sakala bhuvana apane° basa k∂nhe.<br />

debi tajia sa≈sau asa jån∂, bha≈jaba dhanuu råma sunu rån∂.1.<br />

sakh∂ bacana suni bhai parat∂t∂, mi¢å biådu baRh∂ ati pr∂t∂.<br />

taba råmahi biloki baideh∂, sabhaya hædaya° binavati jehi teh∂.2.<br />

manah∂° mana manåva akulån∂, hohu prasanna mahesa bhavån∂.<br />

karahu saphala åpani sevakå∂, kari hitu harahu cåpa garuå∂.3.<br />

gananåyaka baradåyaka devå, åju lage° k∂nhiu° tua sevå.<br />

båra båra binat∂ suni mor∂, karahu cåpa gurutå ati thor∂.4.<br />

ìArmed with a bow and arrows of flowers Cupid has brought the whole universe<br />

under subjection. Realizing this, O good lady, give up all doubt; Råma, O Queen, will<br />

assuredly break the bow, I tell you.î The queen felt reassured at these words of her<br />

companion; her despondency was gone and her love for ›r∂ Råma grew. Then, casting<br />

a glance towards ›r∂ Råma, Videhaís daughter implored with anxious heart each god in<br />

turn. She inwardly prayed in a distressed state of mind: ìBe gracious to me. O great Lord<br />

›iva and Bhavån∂, and reward my services by lightening the weight of the bow out of<br />

affection for me. O god Gaƒe‹a, the chief of ›ivaís attendants, O bestower of boons, it<br />

is for this day that I have adored You. Listening to my repeated supplication, therefore,<br />

reduce the weight of the bow to a mere trifle.î (1ó4)

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