Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

239<br />

So.: s∂ya biåhabi råma garaba dµuri kari næpanha ke,<br />

j∂ti ko saka sa≈gråma dasaratha ke rana bå°kure.245.<br />

ìRåma will certainly marry S∂tå to the discomfiture of these arrogant princes; for<br />

who can conquer in battle the valiant sons of Da‹aratha? (245)<br />

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Cau.: byartha marahu jani gåla bajå∂, mana modakanhi ki bhµukha butå∂.<br />

sikha hamåri suni parama pun∂tå, jagada≈bå jånahu jiya° s∂tå.1.<br />

jagata pitå raghupatihi bicår∂, bhari locana chabi lehu nihår∂.<br />

su≈dara sukhada sakala guna rås∂, e dou ba≈dhu sa≈bhu ura bås∂.2.<br />

sudhå samudra sam∂pa bihå∂, mægajalu nirakhi marahu kata dhå∂.<br />

karahu jåi jå kahu° joi bhåvå, hama tau åju janama phalu påvå.3.<br />

asa kahi bhale bhµupa anuråge, rµupa anµupa bilokana låge.<br />

dekhahiÚ sura nabha caRhe bimånå, baraahiÚ sumana karahiÚ kala gånå.4.<br />

ìDo not thus brag and throw away your lives in vain: hunger cannot be satiated<br />

with imaginary sweets. Listen to this my most salutary advice; be inwardly assured<br />

that S∂tå is no other than the Mother of the universe. And recognizing the Lord of<br />

Raghus as the father of the universe, feast your eyes to their fill on His beauty.<br />

Fountains of joy and embodiments of all virtues, these two charming brothers have<br />

their abode in ›ambhuís heart. Leaving an ocean of nectar, which is so near, why<br />

should you run in pursuit of a mirage and court death? Or else do whatever pleases<br />

you individually; we for our part have reaped today the fruit of our human birth.î So<br />

saying the good kings turned to gaze with affection on the picture of incomparable<br />

beauty; while in heaven the gods witnessed the spectacle from their aerial cars, and<br />

raining down flowers sang in melodious strains. (1ó4)<br />

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øÃÈ⁄U ‚πË¥ ‚È¢Œ⁄U ‚∑§‹ ‚ÊŒ⁄U ø‹Ë¥ ‹flÊßH 246H<br />

Do.: jåni suavasaru s∂ya taba pa¢ha∂ janaka bolåi,<br />

catura sakh∂° su≈dara sakala sådara cal∂° lavåi.246.<br />

Finding it an appropriate occasion Janaka then sent for ›∂tå; and Her companions,<br />

all lovely and accomplished, escorted Her with due honour. (246)<br />

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